Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

PR1 Land off Templars Lane

Representation ID: 2945

Received: 30/11/2016

Respondent: Mr Nick P Broughton

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object on the following grounds:
impact of placing new dwellings in one location, they should be spread around the village;
local lanes could not cope with the additional traffic; and
infrastructure concerns, particularly bus services, education and sewage.

Full text:

I wish to put on record my objection to the plans being submitted in respect of a development in Preston - specifically the 21 properties allocated to the land off Templars Lane.

I have always favoured spreading developments around rather than in "a lump" .. whether it be a small development .. or a "New Town". If ALL villages "accepted" say 5% of their current housing for new properties then it would be unlikely that the nature of the villages would be spoilt !! With current dwellings of 175 ( a few have yet to be built within this figure) - to put a group of 21 properties in one spot is not best for the village .. the impact it will have on the one particular area will be extremely negative - and no consideration appears to have been given to "spreading the load" over the village as a whole .. there are a number of suitable alternatives around the village to get close to the figures allocated. In any case adding a further 21 properties is a greater number than I feel acceptable.

A number of properties (six) have been built in the land off Templars Lane over the last year or so .. and although the intention was that these should be "affordable housing" .. there was little interest and two had to be changed to rented properties.

Chequers Lane and Butchers Lane, the two roads that would service the Templars Lane development, are both extremely narrow and would struggle to cope with the additional traffic. Widening would not be feasible.

Infrastructure issues would also be a concern - bus services, schooling etc. and I am aware that since the six properties built off Templars Lane problems have arisen in connection with sewage.

I would ask that this proposal be withdrawn .. or at the very least substantially reduced and spread around the village.

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