Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

Policy SP19: Sites EL1, EL2 and EL3 - East of Luton

Representation ID: 215

Received: 18/10/2016

Respondent: Miss C Henney

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to SP19 (EL1, EL2 & EL3): Emergency vehicle access, impact on historic environment, loss of Green Belt, impact on existing villages and rural community, traffic, SuDs issues, education capacity. Brownfield in Luton first.

Full text:

We are writing to record our objection to the above application of 660 dwellings on the following grounds:

*The emergency access route on the proposed map is planned on the land that currently has a listed building home on it. This listed building would have to be knocked down in order for this emergency access road to be built.
*This development would unnecessarily destroy green belt and beautiful countryside currently enjoyed by a great number of people in both North Herts, Luton and beyond. This rural community and the urban community at the edge of Luton have been blighted for long enough by these and similar plans. In Cockernhoe, Mangrove, Tea Green, Wandon End and Luton these plans adversely affect over 1,000 people. The plan would destroy the rural nature of this community. These villages/hamlets currently comprise over 150 homes.
This would also destroy the community spirit that still exists in these small communities and is so sadly lacking in big towns and developments.

The current plan have one single road for access to this development. This road comes off a narrow, single traffic country lane .This lane already cannot cope with the traffic that comes in and out of Cockernhoe, particularly at school times.660 new homes and thus probably over 400 cars will not help this.

The plan shows many suds between Copthorne and this new development. There is no adequate draining, thus stagnant water would be encouraged and therefore infestations would flourish and be a health hazard
Local schools at Cockernhoe and Wigmore are already oversubscribed. The application does not indicate where the additional children will be educated.
NHDC rejected this site for valid reasons when previously proposed by Luton in recent years.
This development would not realistically help towards the NHDC's target as it would more service Luton's requirements.
Luton has many brownfield sites that could be developed. It would be a more eco-friendly option, as the roadways infrastructure is lacking in this area.

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