Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
Representation ID: 3428
Received: 28/11/2016
Respondent: Mr John B Cousins
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? Not specified
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
Object to Knebworth (in general)
- Highway infrastructure and limited access under Railway Bridge.
- Improvements to transport infrastructure is needed.
- Any development of the magnitude proposed should be accommodated West of the A1M at Stevenage as was proposed at an earlier date, albeit this may not be within the administrative area of NHDC.
- Development should be for a new town to extensions to exciting urban areas.
My response in respect of the above is as follows.
Sites 52 and 53 are unacceptable due to the very limited access under the railway bridges at Station Road and Gun Road where the carriageways are of inadequate width to accommodate passing vans, never mind lorries and both suffer from single narrow footpaths of insufficient width for two persons to pass each without one stepping into the carriageway with the dangers that can encounter.
Site 57 is totally unsuitable due to the inadequacy of Swangleys Lane and the school with its associated parking by parents situated at the junction with London Road.
To accommodate sites 52 and 53 the bridges at both Station Road and Gun Road would need their carriageways significantly widened to accommodate the extra road traffic generated by the additional proposed development.
Any development of the magnitude proposed should be accommodated West of the A1M at Stevenage as was proposed at an earlier date, albeit this may not be within the administrative area of NHDC.
New development needs to be undertaken properly by the formation of new towns and not on the cheap by adjoining it to existing settlements where the infrastructure to accommodate it is inadequate.