Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

KB2 Land off Gypsy Lane

Representation ID: 307

Received: 12/11/2016

Respondent: Mr and Mrs Christine Milne

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? No

Representation Summary:

Object to KB2: Infrastructure capacity, traffic congestion, coalescence with surrounding settlements, landscape and openness, drainage infrastructure, GP capacity, secondary school provision

Full text:

We object to the local plan because of the following reasons:
There is a lack of capacity in the local infrastructure and no plans to increase transport solutions i.e: There is heavy congestion already on a daily basis on normal days. This is trebled if there is an issue on the motorway. With extra homes being built this would create further pressure on the traffic and there is no solutions proposed from HCC Highways to deal with such traffic issues.
The railway station is already heavily used in the village with large congestion of traffic picking up passengers in the evening. With the increase of extra homes this would increase traffic congestion in this area.
The plan forecasts a much higher development for Knebworth compared to other parts of North Herts. This seems unfair as we want to keep Knebworth a village and avoid the threat of coalescence between Knebworth, Stevenage and Woolmer Green by removing large areas of the east and west of the green belt to the east and west of Knebworth. We enjoy the openness of the landscape that surrounds Knebworth Village and want to keep it that way.
There are constraints in the drainage infrastructure. Already the infrastructure drainage struggles to cope in supplying the village with reduced water pressure at times. This would mean that water pressure would further drop with the additional new homes.
The local GP surgery is very heavily used with over 4,000 residents registered there and our family finds it difficult to get appointments. This difficulty would be negatively impacted further with the addition of an extra 600 + homes being registered at the GP surgery.
With an extra six hundred homes there are no plans for access for children to secondary schools.

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