Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

IC1 Land at Duncots Close

Representation ID: 2583

Received: 30/11/2016

Respondent: Mr Willy Beyeler

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to IC1:
- Scale of development
- Current planning approvals not included in the plan
- Lack of a coordinated approach - the plans across neighbouring councils
- Impact on historic village character
- Traffic
- Building on Green Belt land
- Sewerage and Flooding
- Moving the school
- Lack of Proper Consultation

Full text:

I strongly object to the Local Plan for North Hertfordshire in relation specifically to Ickleford where I am resident. The points below relate to all the sites:
*Whilst I acknowledge some housing development is necessary, the proposed development for Ickleford is disproportionate to the size of the village and existing population, particularly when compared against other North Hertfordshire settlements.
* Developments that have already been approved in Ickleford do not appear in the plan (Green Man, Ickleford Manor)
* Lack of a coordinated approach - the plans across neighbouring councils appear to have been prepared in isolation, with no coordinated approach between authorities. This would lead potentially to significant over development in this area. The Local Plan is therefore considered "Not Sound" in this regard.
* Development on this scale would significantly alter the social and historic fabric of the village, not to mention have a negative impact on the quality of life of residents.
Please find below my specific comments with regards to the individual sites.

Site IC1 (Duncots Close) - 9 Homes
1.Traffic - the local plan and associated modelling fails to include the impact of traffic coming through Ickleford from neighbouring developments across North Herts and also from Central Bedfordshire where a significant amount of building is underway or proposed. There would also be an increase in air pollution which goes against the NHDC policy on air quality. The Local Plan is therefore considered "Not Sound" in this regard.
2.Sewerage and Flooding - the village is already unable to cope with the demands on the sewerage network with surface flooding having occurred previously. Many residents have been affected by these problems and Anglian Water are well aware of the issues. Additional housing would only place additional strain on an already stretched network. Building on this site also seems to contradict NHDC's policy of not developing in areas prone to flooding, and to reduce the risk of flooding from new developments. The Local Plan is therefore considered "Not Sound" in this regard.
3.Building on Green Belt land- this site is located on Green Belt so development here conflicts with National Planning Policy Framework and NHDC's Strategic Objectives on Green Belt. The Local Plan is therefore considered "Not Sound" in this regard.

Site IC2 (Burford Grange) - 40 homes
1.Building on Green Belt land- this site is located on Green Belt so development here conflicts with National Planning Policy Framework and NHDC's Strategic Objectives on Green Belt. The Local Plan is therefore considered "Not Sound" in this regard.
2.Traffic - the local plan and associated modeling fails to include the impact of traffic coming through Ickleford from neighbouring developments across North Herts and also from Central Bedfordshire where a significant amount of building is underway or proposed. There would also be an increase in air pollution which goes against the NHDC policy on air quality. The Local Plan is therefore considered "Not Sound" in this regard.

Site IC3 (Bedford Road) - 150 Homes
1.Traffic - the local plan and associated modeling fails to include the impact of traffic coming through Ickleford from neighbouring developments across North Herts and also from Central Bedfordshire where a significant amount of building is underway or proposed. There would also be an increase in air pollution which goes against the NHDC policy on air quality. The Local Plan is therefore considered "Not Sound" in this regard.
2. Sewerage and Flooding - the village is already unable to cope with the demands on the sewerage network with surface flooding having occurred previously. Many residents have been affected by these problems and Anglian Water are well aware of the issues. Additional housing would only place additional strain on an already stretched network. Building on this site also seems to contradict NHDC's policy of not developing in areas prone to flooding, and to reduce the risk of flooding from new developments. The Local Plan is therefore considered "Not Sound" in this regard.
3. Building on Green Belt land- this site is located on Green Belt so development here conflicts with National Planning Policy Framework and NHDC's Strategic Objectives on Green Belt. The Local Plan is therefore considered "Not Sound" in this regard.
4. Moving the school - Ickleford School is an integral part of the village and through its close association with St Katharine's Church plays a key role in the social, educational and historic part of the village. Moving the school would go against the NHDC policy of protecting and enhancing the historic character of villages. The Local Plan is therefore considered "Not Sound" in this regard.
5. Lack of Proper Consultation - there has been no opportunity to consult on this site as it was not included in the previous version of the Local Plan. No formal consultation has therefore taken place. The Local Plan is therefore "Not Legally Compliant".
Site LS1 (North Ickleford) - 120 homes
1. Traffic - the local plan and associated modelling fails to include the impact of traffic coming through Ickleford from neighbouring developments across North Herts and also from Central Bedfordshire where a significant amount of building is underway or proposed. There would also be an increase in air pollution which goes against the NHDC policy on air quality. The Local Plan is therefore considered "Not Sound" in this regard.
2. Lack of Proper Consultation - there has been no opportunity to consult on this site as it was not included in the previous version of the Local Plan. No formal consultation has therefore taken place. The Local Plan is therefore "Not Legally Compliant".
Having closely examined the plan and in line with my arguments above, I strongly believe that the plan with regards to Ickleford needs to be re-examined and ask that the arguments I have submitted be used in the examination that will be undertaken by the inspector.


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

IC2 Burford Grange, Bedford Road

Representation ID: 2584

Received: 30/11/2016

Respondent: Mr Willy Beyeler

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to IC2:
- Scale of development
- Current planning approvals not included in the plan
- Lack of a coordinated approach - the plans across neighbouring councils
- Impact on historic village character
- Traffic
- Building on Green Belt land
- Sewerage and Flooding
- Moving the school
- Lack of Proper Consultation

Full text:

I strongly object to the Local Plan for North Hertfordshire in relation specifically to Ickleford where I am resident. The points below relate to all the sites:
*Whilst I acknowledge some housing development is necessary, the proposed development for Ickleford is disproportionate to the size of the village and existing population, particularly when compared against other North Hertfordshire settlements.
* Developments that have already been approved in Ickleford do not appear in the plan (Green Man, Ickleford Manor)
* Lack of a coordinated approach - the plans across neighbouring councils appear to have been prepared in isolation, with no coordinated approach between authorities. This would lead potentially to significant over development in this area. The Local Plan is therefore considered "Not Sound" in this regard.
* Development on this scale would significantly alter the social and historic fabric of the village, not to mention have a negative impact on the quality of life of residents.
Please find below my specific comments with regards to the individual sites.

Site IC1 (Duncots Close) - 9 Homes
1.Traffic - the local plan and associated modelling fails to include the impact of traffic coming through Ickleford from neighbouring developments across North Herts and also from Central Bedfordshire where a significant amount of building is underway or proposed. There would also be an increase in air pollution which goes against the NHDC policy on air quality. The Local Plan is therefore considered "Not Sound" in this regard.
2.Sewerage and Flooding - the village is already unable to cope with the demands on the sewerage network with surface flooding having occurred previously. Many residents have been affected by these problems and Anglian Water are well aware of the issues. Additional housing would only place additional strain on an already stretched network. Building on this site also seems to contradict NHDC's policy of not developing in areas prone to flooding, and to reduce the risk of flooding from new developments. The Local Plan is therefore considered "Not Sound" in this regard.
3.Building on Green Belt land- this site is located on Green Belt so development here conflicts with National Planning Policy Framework and NHDC's Strategic Objectives on Green Belt. The Local Plan is therefore considered "Not Sound" in this regard.

Site IC2 (Burford Grange) - 40 homes
1.Building on Green Belt land- this site is located on Green Belt so development here conflicts with National Planning Policy Framework and NHDC's Strategic Objectives on Green Belt. The Local Plan is therefore considered "Not Sound" in this regard.
2.Traffic - the local plan and associated modeling fails to include the impact of traffic coming through Ickleford from neighbouring developments across North Herts and also from Central Bedfordshire where a significant amount of building is underway or proposed. There would also be an increase in air pollution which goes against the NHDC policy on air quality. The Local Plan is therefore considered "Not Sound" in this regard.

Site IC3 (Bedford Road) - 150 Homes
1.Traffic - the local plan and associated modeling fails to include the impact of traffic coming through Ickleford from neighbouring developments across North Herts and also from Central Bedfordshire where a significant amount of building is underway or proposed. There would also be an increase in air pollution which goes against the NHDC policy on air quality. The Local Plan is therefore considered "Not Sound" in this regard.
2. Sewerage and Flooding - the village is already unable to cope with the demands on the sewerage network with surface flooding having occurred previously. Many residents have been affected by these problems and Anglian Water are well aware of the issues. Additional housing would only place additional strain on an already stretched network. Building on this site also seems to contradict NHDC's policy of not developing in areas prone to flooding, and to reduce the risk of flooding from new developments. The Local Plan is therefore considered "Not Sound" in this regard.
3. Building on Green Belt land- this site is located on Green Belt so development here conflicts with National Planning Policy Framework and NHDC's Strategic Objectives on Green Belt. The Local Plan is therefore considered "Not Sound" in this regard.
4. Moving the school - Ickleford School is an integral part of the village and through its close association with St Katharine's Church plays a key role in the social, educational and historic part of the village. Moving the school would go against the NHDC policy of protecting and enhancing the historic character of villages. The Local Plan is therefore considered "Not Sound" in this regard.
5. Lack of Proper Consultation - there has been no opportunity to consult on this site as it was not included in the previous version of the Local Plan. No formal consultation has therefore taken place. The Local Plan is therefore "Not Legally Compliant".
Site LS1 (North Ickleford) - 120 homes
1. Traffic - the local plan and associated modelling fails to include the impact of traffic coming through Ickleford from neighbouring developments across North Herts and also from Central Bedfordshire where a significant amount of building is underway or proposed. There would also be an increase in air pollution which goes against the NHDC policy on air quality. The Local Plan is therefore considered "Not Sound" in this regard.
2. Lack of Proper Consultation - there has been no opportunity to consult on this site as it was not included in the previous version of the Local Plan. No formal consultation has therefore taken place. The Local Plan is therefore "Not Legally Compliant".
Having closely examined the plan and in line with my arguments above, I strongly believe that the plan with regards to Ickleford needs to be re-examined and ask that the arguments I have submitted be used in the examination that will be undertaken by the inspector.


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

IC3 Land at Bedford Road

Representation ID: 2587

Received: 30/11/2016

Respondent: Mr Willy Beyeler

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to IC3:
- Scale of development
- Current planning approvals not included in the plan
- Lack of a coordinated approach - the plans across neighbouring councils
- Impact on historic village character
- Traffic
- Building on Green Belt land
- Sewerage and Flooding
- Moving the school
- Lack of Proper Consultation

Full text:

I strongly object to the Local Plan for North Hertfordshire in relation specifically to Ickleford where I am resident. The points below relate to all the sites:
*Whilst I acknowledge some housing development is necessary, the proposed development for Ickleford is disproportionate to the size of the village and existing population, particularly when compared against other North Hertfordshire settlements.
* Developments that have already been approved in Ickleford do not appear in the plan (Green Man, Ickleford Manor)
* Lack of a coordinated approach - the plans across neighbouring councils appear to have been prepared in isolation, with no coordinated approach between authorities. This would lead potentially to significant over development in this area. The Local Plan is therefore considered "Not Sound" in this regard.
* Development on this scale would significantly alter the social and historic fabric of the village, not to mention have a negative impact on the quality of life of residents.
Please find below my specific comments with regards to the individual sites.

Site IC1 (Duncots Close) - 9 Homes
1.Traffic - the local plan and associated modelling fails to include the impact of traffic coming through Ickleford from neighbouring developments across North Herts and also from Central Bedfordshire where a significant amount of building is underway or proposed. There would also be an increase in air pollution which goes against the NHDC policy on air quality. The Local Plan is therefore considered "Not Sound" in this regard.
2.Sewerage and Flooding - the village is already unable to cope with the demands on the sewerage network with surface flooding having occurred previously. Many residents have been affected by these problems and Anglian Water are well aware of the issues. Additional housing would only place additional strain on an already stretched network. Building on this site also seems to contradict NHDC's policy of not developing in areas prone to flooding, and to reduce the risk of flooding from new developments. The Local Plan is therefore considered "Not Sound" in this regard.
3.Building on Green Belt land- this site is located on Green Belt so development here conflicts with National Planning Policy Framework and NHDC's Strategic Objectives on Green Belt. The Local Plan is therefore considered "Not Sound" in this regard.

Site IC2 (Burford Grange) - 40 homes
1.Building on Green Belt land- this site is located on Green Belt so development here conflicts with National Planning Policy Framework and NHDC's Strategic Objectives on Green Belt. The Local Plan is therefore considered "Not Sound" in this regard.
2.Traffic - the local plan and associated modeling fails to include the impact of traffic coming through Ickleford from neighbouring developments across North Herts and also from Central Bedfordshire where a significant amount of building is underway or proposed. There would also be an increase in air pollution which goes against the NHDC policy on air quality. The Local Plan is therefore considered "Not Sound" in this regard.

Site IC3 (Bedford Road) - 150 Homes
1.Traffic - the local plan and associated modeling fails to include the impact of traffic coming through Ickleford from neighbouring developments across North Herts and also from Central Bedfordshire where a significant amount of building is underway or proposed. There would also be an increase in air pollution which goes against the NHDC policy on air quality. The Local Plan is therefore considered "Not Sound" in this regard.
2. Sewerage and Flooding - the village is already unable to cope with the demands on the sewerage network with surface flooding having occurred previously. Many residents have been affected by these problems and Anglian Water are well aware of the issues. Additional housing would only place additional strain on an already stretched network. Building on this site also seems to contradict NHDC's policy of not developing in areas prone to flooding, and to reduce the risk of flooding from new developments. The Local Plan is therefore considered "Not Sound" in this regard.
3. Building on Green Belt land- this site is located on Green Belt so development here conflicts with National Planning Policy Framework and NHDC's Strategic Objectives on Green Belt. The Local Plan is therefore considered "Not Sound" in this regard.
4. Moving the school - Ickleford School is an integral part of the village and through its close association with St Katharine's Church plays a key role in the social, educational and historic part of the village. Moving the school would go against the NHDC policy of protecting and enhancing the historic character of villages. The Local Plan is therefore considered "Not Sound" in this regard.
5. Lack of Proper Consultation - there has been no opportunity to consult on this site as it was not included in the previous version of the Local Plan. No formal consultation has therefore taken place. The Local Plan is therefore "Not Legally Compliant".
Site LS1 (North Ickleford) - 120 homes
1. Traffic - the local plan and associated modelling fails to include the impact of traffic coming through Ickleford from neighbouring developments across North Herts and also from Central Bedfordshire where a significant amount of building is underway or proposed. There would also be an increase in air pollution which goes against the NHDC policy on air quality. The Local Plan is therefore considered "Not Sound" in this regard.
2. Lack of Proper Consultation - there has been no opportunity to consult on this site as it was not included in the previous version of the Local Plan. No formal consultation has therefore taken place. The Local Plan is therefore "Not Legally Compliant".
Having closely examined the plan and in line with my arguments above, I strongly believe that the plan with regards to Ickleford needs to be re-examined and ask that the arguments I have submitted be used in the examination that will be undertaken by the inspector.


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

LS1 Land at Bedford Road

Representation ID: 2588

Received: 30/11/2016

Respondent: Mr Willy Beyeler

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to LS1:
- Scale of development
- Current planning approvals not included in the plan
- Lack of a coordinated approach - the plans across neighbouring councils
- Impact on historic village character
- Traffic
- Building on Green Belt land
- Sewerage and Flooding
- Moving the school
- Lack of Proper Consultation

Full text:

I strongly object to the Local Plan for North Hertfordshire in relation specifically to Ickleford where I am resident. The points below relate to all the sites:
*Whilst I acknowledge some housing development is necessary, the proposed development for Ickleford is disproportionate to the size of the village and existing population, particularly when compared against other North Hertfordshire settlements.
* Developments that have already been approved in Ickleford do not appear in the plan (Green Man, Ickleford Manor)
* Lack of a coordinated approach - the plans across neighbouring councils appear to have been prepared in isolation, with no coordinated approach between authorities. This would lead potentially to significant over development in this area. The Local Plan is therefore considered "Not Sound" in this regard.
* Development on this scale would significantly alter the social and historic fabric of the village, not to mention have a negative impact on the quality of life of residents.
Please find below my specific comments with regards to the individual sites.

Site IC1 (Duncots Close) - 9 Homes
1.Traffic - the local plan and associated modelling fails to include the impact of traffic coming through Ickleford from neighbouring developments across North Herts and also from Central Bedfordshire where a significant amount of building is underway or proposed. There would also be an increase in air pollution which goes against the NHDC policy on air quality. The Local Plan is therefore considered "Not Sound" in this regard.
2.Sewerage and Flooding - the village is already unable to cope with the demands on the sewerage network with surface flooding having occurred previously. Many residents have been affected by these problems and Anglian Water are well aware of the issues. Additional housing would only place additional strain on an already stretched network. Building on this site also seems to contradict NHDC's policy of not developing in areas prone to flooding, and to reduce the risk of flooding from new developments. The Local Plan is therefore considered "Not Sound" in this regard.
3.Building on Green Belt land- this site is located on Green Belt so development here conflicts with National Planning Policy Framework and NHDC's Strategic Objectives on Green Belt. The Local Plan is therefore considered "Not Sound" in this regard.

Site IC2 (Burford Grange) - 40 homes
1.Building on Green Belt land- this site is located on Green Belt so development here conflicts with National Planning Policy Framework and NHDC's Strategic Objectives on Green Belt. The Local Plan is therefore considered "Not Sound" in this regard.
2.Traffic - the local plan and associated modeling fails to include the impact of traffic coming through Ickleford from neighbouring developments across North Herts and also from Central Bedfordshire where a significant amount of building is underway or proposed. There would also be an increase in air pollution which goes against the NHDC policy on air quality. The Local Plan is therefore considered "Not Sound" in this regard.

Site IC3 (Bedford Road) - 150 Homes
1.Traffic - the local plan and associated modeling fails to include the impact of traffic coming through Ickleford from neighbouring developments across North Herts and also from Central Bedfordshire where a significant amount of building is underway or proposed. There would also be an increase in air pollution which goes against the NHDC policy on air quality. The Local Plan is therefore considered "Not Sound" in this regard.
2. Sewerage and Flooding - the village is already unable to cope with the demands on the sewerage network with surface flooding having occurred previously. Many residents have been affected by these problems and Anglian Water are well aware of the issues. Additional housing would only place additional strain on an already stretched network. Building on this site also seems to contradict NHDC's policy of not developing in areas prone to flooding, and to reduce the risk of flooding from new developments. The Local Plan is therefore considered "Not Sound" in this regard.
3. Building on Green Belt land- this site is located on Green Belt so development here conflicts with National Planning Policy Framework and NHDC's Strategic Objectives on Green Belt. The Local Plan is therefore considered "Not Sound" in this regard.
4. Moving the school - Ickleford School is an integral part of the village and through its close association with St Katharine's Church plays a key role in the social, educational and historic part of the village. Moving the school would go against the NHDC policy of protecting and enhancing the historic character of villages. The Local Plan is therefore considered "Not Sound" in this regard.
5. Lack of Proper Consultation - there has been no opportunity to consult on this site as it was not included in the previous version of the Local Plan. No formal consultation has therefore taken place. The Local Plan is therefore "Not Legally Compliant".
Site LS1 (North Ickleford) - 120 homes
1. Traffic - the local plan and associated modelling fails to include the impact of traffic coming through Ickleford from neighbouring developments across North Herts and also from Central Bedfordshire where a significant amount of building is underway or proposed. There would also be an increase in air pollution which goes against the NHDC policy on air quality. The Local Plan is therefore considered "Not Sound" in this regard.
2. Lack of Proper Consultation - there has been no opportunity to consult on this site as it was not included in the previous version of the Local Plan. No formal consultation has therefore taken place. The Local Plan is therefore "Not Legally Compliant".
Having closely examined the plan and in line with my arguments above, I strongly believe that the plan with regards to Ickleford needs to be re-examined and ask that the arguments I have submitted be used in the examination that will be undertaken by the inspector.


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

Policy SP8: Housing

Representation ID: 5281

Received: 30/11/2016

Respondent: Mr Willy Beyeler

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to SP8:
- Scale of development
- Current planning approvals not included in the plan
- Lack of a coordinated approach - the plans across neighbouring councils
- Impact on historic village character
- Traffic
- Building on Green Belt land
- Sewerage and Flooding
- Moving the school
- Lack of Proper Consultation

Full text:

I strongly object to the Local Plan for North Hertfordshire in relation specifically to Ickleford where I am resident. The points below relate to all the sites:
*Whilst I acknowledge some housing development is necessary, the proposed development for Ickleford is disproportionate to the size of the village and existing population, particularly when compared against other North Hertfordshire settlements.
* Developments that have already been approved in Ickleford do not appear in the plan (Green Man, Ickleford Manor)
* Lack of a coordinated approach - the plans across neighbouring councils appear to have been prepared in isolation, with no coordinated approach between authorities. This would lead potentially to significant over development in this area. The Local Plan is therefore considered "Not Sound" in this regard.
* Development on this scale would significantly alter the social and historic fabric of the village, not to mention have a negative impact on the quality of life of residents.
Please find below my specific comments with regards to the individual sites.

Site IC1 (Duncots Close) - 9 Homes
1.Traffic - the local plan and associated modelling fails to include the impact of traffic coming through Ickleford from neighbouring developments across North Herts and also from Central Bedfordshire where a significant amount of building is underway or proposed. There would also be an increase in air pollution which goes against the NHDC policy on air quality. The Local Plan is therefore considered "Not Sound" in this regard.
2.Sewerage and Flooding - the village is already unable to cope with the demands on the sewerage network with surface flooding having occurred previously. Many residents have been affected by these problems and Anglian Water are well aware of the issues. Additional housing would only place additional strain on an already stretched network. Building on this site also seems to contradict NHDC's policy of not developing in areas prone to flooding, and to reduce the risk of flooding from new developments. The Local Plan is therefore considered "Not Sound" in this regard.
3.Building on Green Belt land- this site is located on Green Belt so development here conflicts with National Planning Policy Framework and NHDC's Strategic Objectives on Green Belt. The Local Plan is therefore considered "Not Sound" in this regard.

Site IC2 (Burford Grange) - 40 homes
1.Building on Green Belt land- this site is located on Green Belt so development here conflicts with National Planning Policy Framework and NHDC's Strategic Objectives on Green Belt. The Local Plan is therefore considered "Not Sound" in this regard.
2.Traffic - the local plan and associated modeling fails to include the impact of traffic coming through Ickleford from neighbouring developments across North Herts and also from Central Bedfordshire where a significant amount of building is underway or proposed. There would also be an increase in air pollution which goes against the NHDC policy on air quality. The Local Plan is therefore considered "Not Sound" in this regard.

Site IC3 (Bedford Road) - 150 Homes
1.Traffic - the local plan and associated modeling fails to include the impact of traffic coming through Ickleford from neighbouring developments across North Herts and also from Central Bedfordshire where a significant amount of building is underway or proposed. There would also be an increase in air pollution which goes against the NHDC policy on air quality. The Local Plan is therefore considered "Not Sound" in this regard.
2. Sewerage and Flooding - the village is already unable to cope with the demands on the sewerage network with surface flooding having occurred previously. Many residents have been affected by these problems and Anglian Water are well aware of the issues. Additional housing would only place additional strain on an already stretched network. Building on this site also seems to contradict NHDC's policy of not developing in areas prone to flooding, and to reduce the risk of flooding from new developments. The Local Plan is therefore considered "Not Sound" in this regard.
3. Building on Green Belt land- this site is located on Green Belt so development here conflicts with National Planning Policy Framework and NHDC's Strategic Objectives on Green Belt. The Local Plan is therefore considered "Not Sound" in this regard.
4. Moving the school - Ickleford School is an integral part of the village and through its close association with St Katharine's Church plays a key role in the social, educational and historic part of the village. Moving the school would go against the NHDC policy of protecting and enhancing the historic character of villages. The Local Plan is therefore considered "Not Sound" in this regard.
5. Lack of Proper Consultation - there has been no opportunity to consult on this site as it was not included in the previous version of the Local Plan. No formal consultation has therefore taken place. The Local Plan is therefore "Not Legally Compliant".
Site LS1 (North Ickleford) - 120 homes
1. Traffic - the local plan and associated modelling fails to include the impact of traffic coming through Ickleford from neighbouring developments across North Herts and also from Central Bedfordshire where a significant amount of building is underway or proposed. There would also be an increase in air pollution which goes against the NHDC policy on air quality. The Local Plan is therefore considered "Not Sound" in this regard.
2. Lack of Proper Consultation - there has been no opportunity to consult on this site as it was not included in the previous version of the Local Plan. No formal consultation has therefore taken place. The Local Plan is therefore "Not Legally Compliant".
Having closely examined the plan and in line with my arguments above, I strongly believe that the plan with regards to Ickleford needs to be re-examined and ask that the arguments I have submitted be used in the examination that will be undertaken by the inspector.

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