Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

IC1 Land at Duncots Close

Representation ID: 3138

Received: 27/11/2016

Respondent: Mr Ken Bradbury

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to IC1:
- Not Sound
- Building on the Green Belt
- Highway infrastructure and congestion
- Heritage Assets
- Historic character
- Education facilities, relocation of school.
- Sewage capacity and drainage

Full text:

I request the Local Planning Inspector to review the folllowing sites for additional housing...
IC1 IC2 IC3 - The local plan is not sound to build on this Green Belt Land - conflicts with NHDC Strategic objectives.
IC1 and IC3 - As a resident on the Arlesey road I confirm the local plan is not sound to put this much load onto the main sewerage system in Ickleford which can't cope with the current level of housing let alone increasing it.
IC1 IC2 IC3 LS1 - The local plan is not sound to increase traffic further without building a bypass around ickleford and Hitchin. There will be increased traffic from Bedfordshire into Hitchin with the proposed developments. This conflicts with NHDC Policy on Transport.
IC3 - Relocation of the school from its current Grade II listed building to a new site will impact on the essence and historic character of the village changing it significantly. Ickleford is not a suburb of Hitchin it is a separate village in its own right. Its character as a small village should be maintained. Movement of the school will have a detrimental effect on the character of the village. Siting a new school on the Bedford road, a main rush hour commuter route into Hitchin is not sensible from a safety perspective. What will become of the current school ?
The local plan is not sound due to the negative impact on the village character.


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

IC2 Burford Grange, Bedford Road

Representation ID: 3139

Received: 27/11/2016

Respondent: Mr Ken Bradbury

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to IC2:
- Not Sound
- Building on the Green Belt
- Highway infrastructure and congestion
- Heritage Assets
- Historic character
- Education facilities, relocation of school.

Full text:

I request the Local Planning Inspector to review the folllowing sites for additional housing...
IC1 IC2 IC3 - The local plan is not sound to build on this Green Belt Land - conflicts with NHDC Strategic objectives.
IC1 and IC3 - As a resident on the Arlesey road I confirm the local plan is not sound to put this much load onto the main sewerage system in Ickleford which can't cope with the current level of housing let alone increasing it.
IC1 IC2 IC3 LS1 - The local plan is not sound to increase traffic further without building a bypass around ickleford and Hitchin. There will be increased traffic from Bedfordshire into Hitchin with the proposed developments. This conflicts with NHDC Policy on Transport.
IC3 - Relocation of the school from its current Grade II listed building to a new site will impact on the essence and historic character of the village changing it significantly. Ickleford is not a suburb of Hitchin it is a separate village in its own right. Its character as a small village should be maintained. Movement of the school will have a detrimental effect on the character of the village. Siting a new school on the Bedford road, a main rush hour commuter route into Hitchin is not sensible from a safety perspective. What will become of the current school ?
The local plan is not sound due to the negative impact on the village character.


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

IC3 Land at Bedford Road

Representation ID: 3140

Received: 27/11/2016

Respondent: Mr Ken Bradbury

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to IC3:
- Not Sound
- Building on the Green Belt
- Highway infrastructure and congestion
- Heritage Assets
- Historic character
- Education facilities, relocation of school.
- Sewage capacity and drainage

Full text:

I request the Local Planning Inspector to review the folllowing sites for additional housing...
IC1 IC2 IC3 - The local plan is not sound to build on this Green Belt Land - conflicts with NHDC Strategic objectives.
IC1 and IC3 - As a resident on the Arlesey road I confirm the local plan is not sound to put this much load onto the main sewerage system in Ickleford which can't cope with the current level of housing let alone increasing it.
IC1 IC2 IC3 LS1 - The local plan is not sound to increase traffic further without building a bypass around ickleford and Hitchin. There will be increased traffic from Bedfordshire into Hitchin with the proposed developments. This conflicts with NHDC Policy on Transport.
IC3 - Relocation of the school from its current Grade II listed building to a new site will impact on the essence and historic character of the village changing it significantly. Ickleford is not a suburb of Hitchin it is a separate village in its own right. Its character as a small village should be maintained. Movement of the school will have a detrimental effect on the character of the village. Siting a new school on the Bedford road, a main rush hour commuter route into Hitchin is not sensible from a safety perspective. What will become of the current school ?
The local plan is not sound due to the negative impact on the village character.


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

LS1 Land at Bedford Road

Representation ID: 3141

Received: 27/11/2016

Respondent: Mr Ken Bradbury

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to LS1:
- Not Sound
- Building on the Green Belt
- Highway infrastructure and congestion
- Heritage Assets
- Historic character
- Education facilities, relocation of school.

Full text:

I request the Local Planning Inspector to review the folllowing sites for additional housing...
IC1 IC2 IC3 - The local plan is not sound to build on this Green Belt Land - conflicts with NHDC Strategic objectives.
IC1 and IC3 - As a resident on the Arlesey road I confirm the local plan is not sound to put this much load onto the main sewerage system in Ickleford which can't cope with the current level of housing let alone increasing it.
IC1 IC2 IC3 LS1 - The local plan is not sound to increase traffic further without building a bypass around ickleford and Hitchin. There will be increased traffic from Bedfordshire into Hitchin with the proposed developments. This conflicts with NHDC Policy on Transport.
IC3 - Relocation of the school from its current Grade II listed building to a new site will impact on the essence and historic character of the village changing it significantly. Ickleford is not a suburb of Hitchin it is a separate village in its own right. Its character as a small village should be maintained. Movement of the school will have a detrimental effect on the character of the village. Siting a new school on the Bedford road, a main rush hour commuter route into Hitchin is not sensible from a safety perspective. What will become of the current school ?
The local plan is not sound due to the negative impact on the village character.

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