Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
Policy SP16: Site NS1 - North of Stevenage
Representation ID: 3429
Received: 28/11/2016
Respondent: Dr Helen Lumley
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
Object to SP16 - NS1:
- Building on Green Belt land; prevent urban sprawl
- Brownfield land first
- Change to Graveley Village character
- Historic character
- Scale of development is not necessary
- Congestion on the roads north of Stevenage (B197)
I wish to make the following comments on NHDC Local Plan, and specifically regarding the proposed development north of Stevenage
1. I object strongly to the NHDC proposal to allow about 80% of the development to be on Green Belt land. Government policy is to protect Green Belt and prioritise the use of Brown Field sites to support housing developments. The Green Belt protects communities from urban sprawl and provides clear environmental benefits to North Herts residents and our Green Belt should be protected and maintained. More of the development should be on Brown Field sites.
2. The proposed development north of Stevenage on Green Belt land will extend urban sprawl and will drastically change the character of Graveley village. Graveley is a small historic rural village mentioned in the Doomsday book. It is essential that it's rural character is protected and maintained, and Graveley must not be allowed to coalesce with Stevenage. This would be contrary to NPPF80. A decent buffer zone must be provided between Graveley and Stevenage development where no building on the Green Belt is allowed and Graveley is allowed to maintain its village status, as it has done for hundreds of years.
3. The number of houses proposed north of Stevenage is 19,500 (including west of Stevenage 3100 houses). While I accept that some development is necessary, I believe that the number of houses proposed is much higher than necessary and should be reduced.
4. Congestion on the roads north of Stevenage, eg the B197 through Graveley, is already bad and development in this area on the scale proposed in the NHDC Local plan will make the current problems much worse.