Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft


Representation ID: 3305

Received: 29/11/2016

Respondent: Mr David Brown

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to Codicote (in general):
- Housing Need
- New Garden City
- Scale of development
- Pressure on exciting infrastructure
- Environment and character
- Loss of Green Belt land
- Education facilities
- Highway infrastructure, safety and congestion

Full text:

I am, along with many Codicote residents, very disappointed with the proposed submission of the above as it is very prejudicial, not justified and certainly not a practical solution to resolve housing needs. Having read many documents on this issue it seems a last ditch effort in the short term to solve a much bigger problem - the long term need for many thousands of new homes in North Hertfordshire. I believe the suggestion has already been made for a new Garden City.
My obvious concern relates to Codicote, but similar issues apply to our close neighbours in Knebworth. To add another 315 new houses on Green Belt land in Cowards Lane, The Close, Heath Lane and Codicote Garden Centre is completely ridiculous - a growth of 25%, putting pressure on already overloaded infrastructure in the village. Issues of traffic, parking, road safety, power, water, drainage, schooling, healthcare, community, environment and character. All of which is already under pressure, particularly with our other issue - Codicote Quarry.
Codicote School is already full to capacity as people cannot get places on an already restricted site. I believe the proposed Local Plan states that expansion is needed but the existing site cannot support further development. This would mean further impingement onto Green Belt land.
The proposal also has no clear strategy for mitigating traffic, and yet in Codicote we are already struggling with high volumes of traffic. The road between Hitchin and Codicote is extremely busy and dangerous, with parking and heavy lorries already creating a problem. St Albans Road is now used as a short cut to areas around St Albans, and with the ever increasing heavy lorry traffic for the Quarry and the necessary parking of residents cars, further housing expansion is just not practical. Just imagine what increased traffic from an additional 315 homes would produce, without the impact from the other proposed developments in Knebworth and Stevenage. The B656 is already used as a bypass for the A1(M).
Little thought seems to have been given to the obvious issues surrounding such expansion of a VILLAGE and the infrastructure limitations. It is clear that the proposed Local Plan is not fit for purpose and should be withdrawn or certainly quashed by Central Government. A new Garden City would be the answer instead of adding more homes to villages already under pressure from the issues aforementioned.
Let us hope for some common sense.


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft


Representation ID: 5521

Received: 29/11/2016

Respondent: Mr David Brown

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to Knebworth (in general):
- Housing Need
- New Garden City
- Scale of development
- Pressure on exciting infrastructure
- Environment and character
- Loss of Green Belt land
- Education facilities
- Highway infrastructure, safety and congestion

Full text:

I am, along with many Codicote residents, very disappointed with the proposed submission of the above as it is very prejudicial, not justified and certainly not a practical solution to resolve housing needs. Having read many documents on this issue it seems a last ditch effort in the short term to solve a much bigger problem - the long term need for many thousands of new homes in North Hertfordshire. I believe the suggestion has already been made for a new Garden City.
My obvious concern relates to Codicote, but similar issues apply to our close neighbours in Knebworth. To add another 315 new houses on Green Belt land in Cowards Lane, The Close, Heath Lane and Codicote Garden Centre is completely ridiculous - a growth of 25%, putting pressure on already overloaded infrastructure in the village. Issues of traffic, parking, road safety, power, water, drainage, schooling, healthcare, community, environment and character. All of which is already under pressure, particularly with our other issue - Codicote Quarry.
Codicote School is already full to capacity as people cannot get places on an already restricted site. I believe the proposed Local Plan states that expansion is needed but the existing site cannot support further development. This would mean further impingement onto Green Belt land.
The proposal also has no clear strategy for mitigating traffic, and yet in Codicote we are already struggling with high volumes of traffic. The road between Hitchin and Codicote is extremely busy and dangerous, with parking and heavy lorries already creating a problem. St Albans Road is now used as a short cut to areas around St Albans, and with the ever increasing heavy lorry traffic for the Quarry and the necessary parking of residents cars, further housing expansion is just not practical. Just imagine what increased traffic from an additional 315 homes would produce, without the impact from the other proposed developments in Knebworth and Stevenage. The B656 is already used as a bypass for the A1(M).
Little thought seems to have been given to the obvious issues surrounding such expansion of a VILLAGE and the infrastructure limitations. It is clear that the proposed Local Plan is not fit for purpose and should be withdrawn or certainly quashed by Central Government. A new Garden City would be the answer instead of adding more homes to villages already under pressure from the issues aforementioned.
Let us hope for some common sense.

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