Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

Policy SP19: Sites EL1, EL2 and EL3 - East of Luton

Representation ID: 216

Received: 18/10/2016

Respondent: Mr David Parker

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to SP19: Green Belt (coalescence), decisions on Green Belt may have been influenced by where officers and councillors live, infrastructure (traffic and road network), impact of Luton Airport expansion, air pollution.

Full text:

I object to the above application for the following reasons.
It is said this development is to help Lutons unmet housing needs, this would only be true if the properties were only sold to persons on Lutons housing list, and the Hertfordshire county boundary would need to be redrawn to include this development into Luton council boundary. Lutons unmet needs could be met if the Bushwood site was developed, as was planned when the M1 motorway was built, when 2 very large tunnels were built to allow access to this site. Luton also has plenty of unused brownfield sites. So has no need of NHDC "help".
Some towns and villages in North Herts have no or limited developments planned, but NHDC have ensured they keep a complete Green belt around them, this follows government guidelines that communities should not coalesce.I wonder how many councillors and officials from North Herts live in these places, there are certainly none living in Luton as NHDC do not care if Luton residents loose part of their green belt, which is against government guidelines that communities should not coalesce.

The infrastructure of Luton cannot cope with any more traffic, they are gridlocked around Crawley Green and Eaton Green roads as it is. 2000 extra homes could quite easily mean 3000 extra vehicles on Lutons roads at peak times, as there is no feasible route for any of these vehicles to go into North Herts unless the council and government commit to spending £millions on new roads before planning consent is granted, roads which would need to be in place before any building work starts. NHDC has not taken into account the new special needs school being built on Crawley Green Road. This will need access, probably a roundabout. Further slowing traffic at peak times.

No account of the Luton Airport expansion has been taken into account, this will inevitably lead to further air pollution, already depending on wind direction and cloud cover, kerosene fumes drift over the area, with further aircraft movements this will increase. Are NHDC and the Government prepared for legal action over cancers, asthma and other illnesses that can result from their granting of building development in an area of known high pollution, when proper investigations have not been carried out.

I and plenty of other people have registered with NHDC over this matter, and we are all finding it impossible to register our complaints on this website, and are having to use other sites to complain., either your website is not fit for purpose, or is this deliberate. I will be sending a copy of this e-mail to the Secretary of State for him to ask questions about your website.
Please send acknowledgement of receipt.


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

Policy SP8: Housing

Representation ID: 1345

Received: 18/10/2016

Respondent: Mr David Parker

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? Not specified

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to SP8: Luton's unmet needs can be met west of Luton and / or on brownfield sites; would only contribute to unmet needs if administrative boundaries redrawn

Full text:

I object to the above application for the following reasons.
It is said this development is to help Lutons unmet housing needs, this would only be true if the properties were only sold to persons on Lutons housing list, and the Hertfordshire county boundary would need to be redrawn to include this development into Luton council boundary. Lutons unmet needs could be met if the Bushwood site was developed, as was planned when the M1 motorway was built, when 2 very large tunnels were built to allow access to this site. Luton also has plenty of unused brownfield sites. So has no need of NHDC "help".
Some towns and villages in North Herts have no or limited developments planned, but NHDC have ensured they keep a complete Green belt around them, this follows government guidelines that communities should not coalesce.I wonder how many councillors and officials from North Herts live in these places, there are certainly none living in Luton as NHDC do not care if Luton residents loose part of their green belt, which is against government guidelines that communities should not coalesce.

The infrastructure of Luton cannot cope with any more traffic, they are gridlocked around Crawley Green and Eaton Green roads as it is. 2000 extra homes could quite easily mean 3000 extra vehicles on Lutons roads at peak times, as there is no feasible route for any of these vehicles to go into North Herts unless the council and government commit to spending £millions on new roads before planning consent is granted, roads which would need to be in place before any building work starts. NHDC has not taken into account the new special needs school being built on Crawley Green Road. This will need access, probably a roundabout. Further slowing traffic at peak times.

No account of the Luton Airport expansion has been taken into account, this will inevitably lead to further air pollution, already depending on wind direction and cloud cover, kerosene fumes drift over the area, with further aircraft movements this will increase. Are NHDC and the Government prepared for legal action over cancers, asthma and other illnesses that can result from their granting of building development in an area of known high pollution, when proper investigations have not been carried out.

I and plenty of other people have registered with NHDC over this matter, and we are all finding it impossible to register our complaints on this website, and are having to use other sites to complain., either your website is not fit for purpose, or is this deliberate. I will be sending a copy of this e-mail to the Secretary of State for him to ask questions about your website.
Please send acknowledgement of receipt.


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

Section One - Introduction and Context

Representation ID: 1351

Received: 18/10/2016

Respondent: Mr David Parker

Legally compliant? No

Sound? Not specified

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to consultation method: Website not fit for purpose

Full text:

I object to the above application for the following reasons.
It is said this development is to help Lutons unmet housing needs, this would only be true if the properties were only sold to persons on Lutons housing list, and the Hertfordshire county boundary would need to be redrawn to include this development into Luton council boundary. Lutons unmet needs could be met if the Bushwood site was developed, as was planned when the M1 motorway was built, when 2 very large tunnels were built to allow access to this site. Luton also has plenty of unused brownfield sites. So has no need of NHDC "help".
Some towns and villages in North Herts have no or limited developments planned, but NHDC have ensured they keep a complete Green belt around them, this follows government guidelines that communities should not coalesce.I wonder how many councillors and officials from North Herts live in these places, there are certainly none living in Luton as NHDC do not care if Luton residents loose part of their green belt, which is against government guidelines that communities should not coalesce.

The infrastructure of Luton cannot cope with any more traffic, they are gridlocked around Crawley Green and Eaton Green roads as it is. 2000 extra homes could quite easily mean 3000 extra vehicles on Lutons roads at peak times, as there is no feasible route for any of these vehicles to go into North Herts unless the council and government commit to spending £millions on new roads before planning consent is granted, roads which would need to be in place before any building work starts. NHDC has not taken into account the new special needs school being built on Crawley Green Road. This will need access, probably a roundabout. Further slowing traffic at peak times.

No account of the Luton Airport expansion has been taken into account, this will inevitably lead to further air pollution, already depending on wind direction and cloud cover, kerosene fumes drift over the area, with further aircraft movements this will increase. Are NHDC and the Government prepared for legal action over cancers, asthma and other illnesses that can result from their granting of building development in an area of known high pollution, when proper investigations have not been carried out.

I and plenty of other people have registered with NHDC over this matter, and we are all finding it impossible to register our complaints on this website, and are having to use other sites to complain., either your website is not fit for purpose, or is this deliberate. I will be sending a copy of this e-mail to the Secretary of State for him to ask questions about your website.
Please send acknowledgement of receipt.


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

Policy SP19: Sites EL1, EL2 and EL3 - East of Luton

Representation ID: 3851

Received: 27/11/2016

Respondent: Mr David Parker

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to SP19 - EL1, EL2 & EL3
- Risk of Coalesce
- Not consistent with the NPPF
- Loss of Green Belt
- No infrastructure to support this development
- Local amenities (Healthcare, education and emergency services)
- Luton's airport expansion
- Air quality and pollution
- Housing need/types of houses
- Luton's unmet housing needs
- Affordable housing

Full text:

I want to participate in the examination stage for NHDC local plan 2011-30, and wish to change parts of the plan under pre-submission/regulation 19. The area I object to is EL1/2 & 3. Government guidelines state that communities should not coalesce, but this is exactly what will happen under this plan. This area is part of the green belt, and Luton residents cannot afford too lose this. I notice in your Local Plan, you wish to make land between Offley and Whitwell that is presently outside the Green Belt, and change it's designation into Green Belt. This would only benefit the rich landowner, who owns this complete area. There is no infrastructure to support this development. The roads that this development would impinge on cannot cope with the traffic at the moment, 2000 buildings would mean between 2-3000 extra vehicles per day, most of these would be moving within a two hour period, morning and evening. The Doctors, Dentists, Schools, Police, Fire, Ambulance, Hospitals that are nearest to this area are all in Luton, and could not cope with this influx. Luton Council Taxpayers fund all the precepts for these, North Herts Council Taxpayers would be using these services and be paying nothing for the privilege. Residents in Luton would go further down the waiting list. No consideration in your plans have been given for the Luton Airport expansion plans and the increased pollution this will bring to this area, depending on weather conditions, kerosene fumes are often smelt and tasted in this area. What NHDC needs to look at are more smaller developments around the villages in North Herts that your plans do not include. This means 1 and 2 bed bungalows, that the residents of much larger properties would like to buy, myself included. This would free up these much larger properties for those who need them, but no government or council seems to recognise this kind of thinking. Be the first ?.
NHDC local plan makes much of this area meeting Luton's unmet housing needs, none of Luton's residents will be able to afford the houses in this development. As there is less than 20 percent social housing in this site, are they going to restricted to those on Luton's housing waiting list, I doubt it.
Luton would not have an unmet need for housing, if they developed the Bushwood site. When the M1 motorway was built, two large tunnels where installed for future access to this area, where housing was planned for, they are still there and waiting. As I understand it Central Bedfordshire Council have not co-operated in the use of this valuable plot, that has all the infrastructure within a very distance, roads, services close proximity to the motorway, and hospital, this area is ideal for Luton's needs. Your plan specifically excludes the land west of Stevenage for development, you seem to want to keep this for future use, post 2061. This is illogical, especially as all infrastructure is close by. When the inspectorate from the Government is involved, I suggest that he visits all sites, and talks to local residents in the street, not make his decision from his office.

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