Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

Policy SP14: Site BA1 - North of Baldock

Representation ID: 2481

Received: 30/11/2016

Respondent: Mrs Pauline Wallbank

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to SP14 - BA1:
- Scale of development and distribution
- Ancient Market Town
- Community facilities
- Highway infrastructure, access, parking and congestion
- Education facilities
- Developer contributions
- Heritage assets
- Narrow Rail Bridges
- Wildlife and Biodiversity
- Green Belt

Full text:

I understand the need to build lots of new houses in this country but like many local residents have serious concerns and misgivings about the proposed plan for 2800 homes on land North of Baldock.

Baldock is currently a thriving ancient market town, recently revived following the opening of the bypass. If there is a huge influx of people living nearby that
wish to use all the facilities on offer then I fear we will become swamped. Where will the extra cars park ? Is there to be a large car park developed somewhere
in the town? If parking becomes a problem again as it was before then people, both new and existing will be put off coming into town and the newly found
prosperity will be destroyed.

I am now a grandmother but it doesn't stop me being concerned for the future of the local children. Our schools are already full and the new development will
as has been acknowledged need both primary and secondary places. Will these be provided Before houses are built and families move in ? I suspect not and I fear
even worse that they will never be provided.
I have heard of developments where developers have promised certain amenities but have then renaged on their promise and have suffered a 'fine' instead. An amount significantly
lower than it would have cost to fulfil the promises. What safeguards are there to stop this happening.?

The practicality of access is also a major concern. We already have congestion onto the A507 from the Ashwell road which would be badly affected if more traffic was
allowed access onto this small country lane.
The rail bridge and crossroads in Baldock cannot be enlarged due to the number of beautiful and historic buildings surrounding it. How can we expect several thousand more cars to pass through this way without causing mayhem ?
If a bridge it built over the rail line to gain access to the A505 who will pay ? It will be very costly and only if the Rail authority allow it.

I have heard the expression 'the green belt can be moved' on several occasions, but the loss of natural habitat will destroy wildlife habitat and who will tell them that their homes are being moved !?

I feel it very unfair that there are so many houses being proposed so near to Baldock. It will almost double it's size. Why can't there be a more fair and even distribution of the development that is needed.

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