Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

BK3 Land between Cambridge Road and Royston Road

Representation ID: 2103

Received: 25/11/2016

Respondent: Mr and Mrs Dave and Jackie Connolly

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to BK3:
- Minimum criteria or have sufficient amenities to promote sustainable development
- Public transport
- Local employment
- Highway infrastructure and congestion
- Development extends the boundary without prior consultation
- NHDC have rejected the Barkway and Nuthampstead Neighbourhood Plan in contravention of core planning principles. (NPPF17)

Full text:

We are writing to object to the proposed development in Barkway known as BK3. While we agree with the need for additional housing we believe that the 33 new homes which have been agreed in principle is the right level for a community the size of Barkway which has few amenities.

The proposal for 140 new homes on BK3 contravenes both local and national planning policies. NHDC have previously excluded BK3 as it did not meet the minimum criteria or have sufficient amenities to promote sustainable development.

There is limited local public transport. People will need to access shops etc in neighbouring towns and villages by car. There is very little local employment and the proposed development will not create or support economic growth therefore cars will be required for daily commuting to work. These factors will greatly increase the volume of traffic through the village and on surrounding roads. (NPPF28, NPPF30, NPPF34, NPPF35, NOOF 38, NPPF55, NPPF72, NPPF95)

BK3 is part of East Anglian Heights which has previously been identified as an area that must be protected. BK3 will have a negative impact on this area. As the site of BK3 is outside of the existing permitted development boundary, this development extends the boundary without prior consultation. So far NHDC have rejected the Barkway and Nuthampstead Neighbourhood Plan in contravention of core planning principles. (NPPF17)

We hope that our objections outlined above will be taken into serious consideration.

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