Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

BK3 Land between Cambridge Road and Royston Road

Representation ID: 2460

Received: 30/11/2016

Respondent: Mr J K McCormick

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? Not specified

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object on the following grounds:
site is separate from the main village;
disproportionate scale of development
no facilities, including a shop, doctors surgery, school beyond year 4;
limited bus services;
no proposals to improve infrastructure or facilities; and
contrary to Strategic Objective ECON6, Section 3.7 in the Plan.

Full text:

I wish to register my opposition in the strongest terms to the paragraph in the above document dealing with the potential proposed massive increase in number of houses in Barkway village.
The following statements express my opposition in statement format.

NPPF Para 14 Presumption in favour of sustainable development.
* The benefit of new homes on site BK3 must demonstrably outweigh their adverse effect.
* BK3 is a proposed development that is on the edge of the current village development boundary.
* It is still separate from the main village
* it is an insular development which is likely not to encourage integration with the rest of the community.
* Barkway is a small village of approx. 330 dwellings
* No shop, doctors or schooling for children beyond year 4 (age 9).
* the nearest small convenience store, doctors
* Even further for Higher education, larger shops etc.
* There is a limited bus service
* No safe well-lit pathways or cycle ways connecting the village to other local villages or towns.
* The size of this disproportionate development will overwhelm the village, changing it negatively rather than enhancing it.
* There are no proposals to improve the infrastructure or local amenities.
* Whilst the Proposed Submitted Local Plan proposes the provision of a shop, there is no guarantee a developer would include this in any development
* NHDC cannot provide any evidence that the business would be sustainable.
* The addition of a further 173 houses at the north end of the village, in addition to those already built or for which planning has been granted since 2011, will create an increase of 62% in the village size, which is disproportionate and inappropriate.
This contradicts Proposed Submission Local Plan Section 3.7, Strategic Objectives, ECON6, which states, Sustain the vitality of our villages and the rural economy in supporting rural diversification whilst ensuring development is of an appropriate scale and character.

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