Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
Policy SP14: Site BA1 - North of Baldock
Representation ID: 1912
Received: 22/11/2016
Respondent: Mr Michael Balls
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
Object to BA7:
- Highway infrastructure and congestion
- Historic Assets
- Proposed Roads
- Air Pollution
- Local infrastructure (health care, policing, public transport)
- Ivel Springs nature reserve
- Drainage and flooding
- Additional Schooling
- Education facilities are full
- Construction traffic
- Parking facilities
- Loss of allotment
- Scale of development
North Hertfordshire Local plan 2011-2031
I feel the proposed plan for area BA1 Black Horse Farm would be extremely unwise.
*Any additional traffic from the site to the town centre would have to enter the cross roads at White Horse street/Station road junction.
This is already extremely congested with queues stretching back towards Baldock services. The junction cannot be altered as there are listed buildings
At this point. If the suggested new road joining the A505-A507 were used to get into Baldock the same junction has to be used.
*The resulting vehicular increase would cause further air pollution.
*The increase in population would completely overwhelm existing services in the town Surgery, Schools, we have no Police station, Rail services are
Likely to be reduced according to recent news reports.
*Ivel Springs nature reserve could well be in danger of pollution/ flooding with all the proposed building.
The idea of the planned first development at BA2 & BA3 without any additional Schools and other services cannot be supported with the towns present amenities.
*The schools are full, in fact some children have to be bused out to neighbouring villages!
*All construction traffic to the two sites would need to pass through the town on already very busy roads.
*Parking in the town is difficult at most hours of the day and night ,no provision for more is planned and there appears to be nowhere for it.
BA7 is allotment land so cannot be built on.
Baldock is a pleasant market town the smallest in the North Herts and the least able to cope with an 80% increase in size.
Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
BA2 Land west of Clothall Road
Representation ID: 1913
Received: 22/11/2016
Respondent: Mr Michael Balls
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
Object to BA7:
- Highway infrastructure and congestion
- Historic Assets
- Proposed Roads
- Air Pollution
- Local infrastructure (health care, policing, public transport)
- Ivel Springs nature reserve
- Drainage and flooding
- Additional Schooling
- Education facilities are full
- Construction traffic
- Parking facilities
- Loss of allotment
- Scale of development
North Hertfordshire Local plan 2011-2031
I feel the proposed plan for area BA1 Black Horse Farm would be extremely unwise.
*Any additional traffic from the site to the town centre would have to enter the cross roads at White Horse street/Station road junction.
This is already extremely congested with queues stretching back towards Baldock services. The junction cannot be altered as there are listed buildings
At this point. If the suggested new road joining the A505-A507 were used to get into Baldock the same junction has to be used.
*The resulting vehicular increase would cause further air pollution.
*The increase in population would completely overwhelm existing services in the town Surgery, Schools, we have no Police station, Rail services are
Likely to be reduced according to recent news reports.
*Ivel Springs nature reserve could well be in danger of pollution/ flooding with all the proposed building.
The idea of the planned first development at BA2 & BA3 without any additional Schools and other services cannot be supported with the towns present amenities.
*The schools are full, in fact some children have to be bused out to neighbouring villages!
*All construction traffic to the two sites would need to pass through the town on already very busy roads.
*Parking in the town is difficult at most hours of the day and night ,no provision for more is planned and there appears to be nowhere for it.
BA7 is allotment land so cannot be built on.
Baldock is a pleasant market town the smallest in the North Herts and the least able to cope with an 80% increase in size.
Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
BA3 Land south of Clothall Common
Representation ID: 1914
Received: 22/11/2016
Respondent: Mr Michael Balls
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
Object to BA7:
- Highway infrastructure and congestion
- Historic Assets
- Proposed Roads
- Air Pollution
- Local infrastructure (health care, policing, public transport)
- Ivel Springs nature reserve
- Drainage and flooding
- Additional Schooling
- Education facilities are full
- Construction traffic
- Parking facilities
- Loss of allotment
- Scale of development
North Hertfordshire Local plan 2011-2031
I feel the proposed plan for area BA1 Black Horse Farm would be extremely unwise.
*Any additional traffic from the site to the town centre would have to enter the cross roads at White Horse street/Station road junction.
This is already extremely congested with queues stretching back towards Baldock services. The junction cannot be altered as there are listed buildings
At this point. If the suggested new road joining the A505-A507 were used to get into Baldock the same junction has to be used.
*The resulting vehicular increase would cause further air pollution.
*The increase in population would completely overwhelm existing services in the town Surgery, Schools, we have no Police station, Rail services are
Likely to be reduced according to recent news reports.
*Ivel Springs nature reserve could well be in danger of pollution/ flooding with all the proposed building.
The idea of the planned first development at BA2 & BA3 without any additional Schools and other services cannot be supported with the towns present amenities.
*The schools are full, in fact some children have to be bused out to neighbouring villages!
*All construction traffic to the two sites would need to pass through the town on already very busy roads.
*Parking in the town is difficult at most hours of the day and night ,no provision for more is planned and there appears to be nowhere for it.
BA7 is allotment land so cannot be built on.
Baldock is a pleasant market town the smallest in the North Herts and the least able to cope with an 80% increase in size.
Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
BA7 Land rear of Clare Crescent
Representation ID: 1915
Received: 22/11/2016
Respondent: Mr Michael Balls
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
Object to BA7:
- Highway infrastructure and congestion
- Historic Assets
- Proposed Roads
- Air Pollution
- Local infrastructure (health care, policing, public transport)
- Ivel Springs nature reserve
- Drainage and flooding
- Additional Schooling
- Education facilities are full
- Construction traffic
- Parking facilities
- Loss of allotment
- Scale of development
North Hertfordshire Local plan 2011-2031
I feel the proposed plan for area BA1 Black Horse Farm would be extremely unwise.
*Any additional traffic from the site to the town centre would have to enter the cross roads at White Horse street/Station road junction.
This is already extremely congested with queues stretching back towards Baldock services. The junction cannot be altered as there are listed buildings
At this point. If the suggested new road joining the A505-A507 were used to get into Baldock the same junction has to be used.
*The resulting vehicular increase would cause further air pollution.
*The increase in population would completely overwhelm existing services in the town Surgery, Schools, we have no Police station, Rail services are
Likely to be reduced according to recent news reports.
*Ivel Springs nature reserve could well be in danger of pollution/ flooding with all the proposed building.
The idea of the planned first development at BA2 & BA3 without any additional Schools and other services cannot be supported with the towns present amenities.
*The schools are full, in fact some children have to be bused out to neighbouring villages!
*All construction traffic to the two sites would need to pass through the town on already very busy roads.
*Parking in the town is difficult at most hours of the day and night ,no provision for more is planned and there appears to be nowhere for it.
BA7 is allotment land so cannot be built on.
Baldock is a pleasant market town the smallest in the North Herts and the least able to cope with an 80% increase in size.