Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
Policy SP19: Sites EL1, EL2 and EL3 - East of Luton
Representation ID: 3610
Received: 29/11/2016
Respondent: Cllr Alan Skepelhorn
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? Not specified
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
Objection to SP19:
- Green Belt, close to the boundary with Luton Wigmore ward
- access: Crawley Green Road and Eaton Green Road are already heavily congested and have no capacity to be enlarged
- local doctors already full - no provision in the plan
- primary and secondary schools are oversubscribed - buses further afield - traffic
- nearest Police, Fire, Ambulance and Hospital are all in Luton in Bedfordshire - Council tax will go to NHDC
- best area for development of this housing would be to the West of Luton - infrastructure could be provided
I object to the NHDC local plan 2011-2030 and want to change parts of the local plan and participate in all examination stages.
My objection is around parts EL 1, 2 and 3 which involve the development of 2100 homes in an area of green belt and close to the boundary with Luton Wigmore ward.
My objections are
1 2100 homes will generate a minimum of 4200 cars which will only have access to 2 roads Crawley Green Road and Eaton Green Road both of which are already heavily congested and have no capacity to be enlarged to carry any more traffic yet they are the only routes the residents of these homes will have to access the M1 and Luton Town for employment and shopping etc.
2 the local doctors are already full and can not accept any more patients yet no provision is provided in the plan to create the kind of infrastructure to support the development.
3 The primary and secondary schools are oversubscribed and the only way the children from these homes to get to schools is for them to either be bussed or driven to schools further afield which will create more traffic on the congested roads.
4 the nearest Police, Fire, Ambulance and Hospital are all in Luton in Bedfordshire yet the homes will be in Hertfordshire so they will be paying their Council tax to Hertfordshire County Council.
The best area for the development of this housing would be to the West of Luton where not only the housing but the required infrastructure could be provided.