Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
Policy SP18: Site GA2 - Land off Mendip Way, Great Ashby
Representation ID: 3446
Received: 28/11/2016
Respondent: Mrs Sandra Brown
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
Object to SP18 - GA2:
- Highway infrastructure, capacity and congestion
- Limited Shops and facilities
- Improvements needed for retail and leisure
- Scale of development
- Open country side
- Wildlife and biodiversity
- Town Centre
We write to object strongly to building of more houses in this area.
Roads are already very busy and cannot cope with current capacity.
Holes etc. need repairing. This a big health and safety issue.
There are not enough shops/facilities to cope with anymore houses/flats in Stevenage.
New town is disgraceful and residents in Stevenage have been grossly let down by lack of development/improvement here.
You can't continue to build more houses/flats and not improve shopping facilities/leisure facilities in Stevenage.
Stevenage is big enough already. Leave the beautiful countryside/wildlife alone and go and build somewhere for a change!!!
Lots of lovely land in Welwyn, St. Albans, Hitchin, Knebworth etc. etc. etc.
It seems that good old Stevenage that everyone looks down on till they need to use cinema/leisure park needs some more houses-we don't think so!!
Let's get our town centre sorted out for all our currents residents.
Go and build your houses somewhere else for a change.
Who actually makes these decisions?!
Bet they wouldn't want all these houses in their back garden.
Great Ashby is already huge!
Come on. Let's be fair.
Please update us as necessary.