Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

IC2 Burford Grange, Bedford Road

Representation ID: 3322

Received: 29/11/2016

Respondent: Mr and Mrs Alison and Roderic Rennison

Number of people: 2

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to IC2:
- Not Sound
- Building on Green Belt
- Traffic, the plan conflicts with NHDC policy on transport
- Air Quality
- No co-ordination with neighbouring authorities

Full text:

Site Reference No IC2 - 40 homes - Burford Grange

As local residents we would like to object to the plans for Site Reference IC2 as being 'Not Sound' for the following reasons:
* Building on green belt conflicts with the National Planning Policy Framework and with the NHDC Strategic Objectives on Green Belt
* Traffic will be considerably increased on an already busy road which is often blocked with queuing traffic. The plan conflicts with NHDC policy on transport
* Air Quality - the increase in traffic pollution conflicts with NHDC policy on air quality, particularly as traffic already queues in this area
* No co-ordination with neighbouring authorities - NHDC have not accounted for any impact associated with the Central Bedfordshire Local Plan, despite the proximity

Site Reference No IC3 - 150 homes - Bedford Road

As local residents we would like to object to the plans for Site Reference IC3 as being 'Not Sound' for the following reasons:
* Building on green belt conflicts with the National Planning Policy Framework and with the NHDC Strategic Objectives on Green Belt
* Sewerage and flooding - evidence shows that the main sewer cannot cope with current demand and IC3 would add a significant additional burden and it conflicts with NHDC policies not to develop in areas prone to flooding and to reduce the risk of flooding from new developments
* Lack of proper consultation - the Local Plan is Not Legally Compliant as NHDC did not allow prior consultation on this site
* Traffic will be considerably increased on an already busy road which is often blocked with queuing traffic. The plan conflicts with NHDC policy on transport
* Air Quality - the increase in traffic pollution conflicts with NHDC policy on air quality, particularly as traffic already queues in this area
* Relocation of the school - the impact on the village conflicts with NHDC policy to protect and enhance the historic character of villages
* No co-ordination with neighbouring authorities - NHDC have not accounted for any impact associated with the Central Bedfordshire Local Plan, despite the proximity

We look forward to receiving your acknowledgement and response.


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

IC3 Land at Bedford Road

Representation ID: 3323

Received: 29/11/2016

Respondent: Mr and Mrs Alison and Roderic Rennison

Number of people: 2

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to IC3:
- Building on Green Belt
- Sewerage and flooding
- Lack of proper consultation site
- Traffic, The plan conflicts with NHDC policy on transport
- Air Quality
- Relocation of the school
- No co-ordination with neighbouring authorities

Full text:

Site Reference No IC2 - 40 homes - Burford Grange

As local residents we would like to object to the plans for Site Reference IC2 as being 'Not Sound' for the following reasons:
* Building on green belt conflicts with the National Planning Policy Framework and with the NHDC Strategic Objectives on Green Belt
* Traffic will be considerably increased on an already busy road which is often blocked with queuing traffic. The plan conflicts with NHDC policy on transport
* Air Quality - the increase in traffic pollution conflicts with NHDC policy on air quality, particularly as traffic already queues in this area
* No co-ordination with neighbouring authorities - NHDC have not accounted for any impact associated with the Central Bedfordshire Local Plan, despite the proximity

Site Reference No IC3 - 150 homes - Bedford Road

As local residents we would like to object to the plans for Site Reference IC3 as being 'Not Sound' for the following reasons:
* Building on green belt conflicts with the National Planning Policy Framework and with the NHDC Strategic Objectives on Green Belt
* Sewerage and flooding - evidence shows that the main sewer cannot cope with current demand and IC3 would add a significant additional burden and it conflicts with NHDC policies not to develop in areas prone to flooding and to reduce the risk of flooding from new developments
* Lack of proper consultation - the Local Plan is Not Legally Compliant as NHDC did not allow prior consultation on this site
* Traffic will be considerably increased on an already busy road which is often blocked with queuing traffic. The plan conflicts with NHDC policy on transport
* Air Quality - the increase in traffic pollution conflicts with NHDC policy on air quality, particularly as traffic already queues in this area
* Relocation of the school - the impact on the village conflicts with NHDC policy to protect and enhance the historic character of villages
* No co-ordination with neighbouring authorities - NHDC have not accounted for any impact associated with the Central Bedfordshire Local Plan, despite the proximity

We look forward to receiving your acknowledgement and response.

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