Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

PR1 Land off Templars Lane

Representation ID: 3293

Received: 29/11/2016

Respondent: Joanne Coombes

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to PR1: Flooding, wastewater infrastructure capacity, lack of infrastructure, unsustainable location, pedestrian safety, traffic, lack of demand for affordable housing, loss of green space.

Full text:

Objection to development of the field adjoining Templars Lane 'PR1'

I would like to express the following concerns over the development of the field adjoining Templars Lane which lead me to believe that building houses there is not a reasonable option for the village of Preston and its residents.
6 houses were built adjacent to PR1 just over a year ago and since then we have had numerous problems with the flooding back of sewerage which causes undesirable odours when the sewerage is pumped from the 6 new dwellings. An increase in the sewerage pumped (from the proposed new housing) may result in the further flooding of raw sewerage onto an open road which would create a public health hazard.
There is inadequate infrastructure in the village including no shops, no nearby medical practice and a poor bus service (my daughter continues to struggle to get to her school due to the no 88 being over loaded). Furthermore, the roads giving access to the proposed development (which would be used by the new residents) are struggling with the current traffic that passes down Chequers Lane and Butchers Lane. There is very little off road parking towards the opening of Chequers lane which results in cars being regularly parked outside 1-6 Chequers Cottages. As there is no foot path, all residents (and ramblers) are forced to walk in the road, around the parked cars which can prove very dangerous. There is no street lighting which adds to the problem at night and on winter evenings especially for children returning home on the bus from The Priory and Hitchin Girls' and Boys' school (the school bus returns at 16.30, when it is dark). The building of 21 family homes would potentially increase the number of vehicles using this narrow road by 42 (2 per household); 42 vehicles using this part of the road (the other entrance at Butchers Lane is even more dangerous, see later comments)would add significantly to the risk of serious injury to anyone walking down Chequers Lane.
Butchers Lane (the other end of Chequers Lane) is a single track road with many blind corners and no passing spaces. This road would become very dangerous if the amount of traffic was increased, particularly at the peak times of going to work and returning and school collection times. The new residents would be forced to use their vehicles to get to work as there is no local shop or prospect of employment in the village.
In addition, it was clearly a struggle to fill the 6 houses that were recently build adjacent to the PR1 site, with 2 having to be converted to rented accommodation so they would not remain empty and one remaining empty for over a year. Thus, it appears that a demand for housing (even affordable) does not exist in Preston.
The area of land designated for the new housing could be put to much better use. The village does not have a designated village green which means that open space for community events is limited. The current use of the roundabout by the village pub for village events is on the busiest junction of the village making it an undesirable spot to encourage a high volume of foot fall particularly that of young children.

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