Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft


Representation ID: 3287

Received: 29/11/2016

Respondent: Mr Matthew Knight

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to Knebworth (in general):
- Highway infrastructure and congestion
- Local facilities (Healthcare, Education)
- Local Employment
- Drainage and Surface Water
- Land at Stevenage West
- Knebworth's identity as a separate village
- Open country side
- Landscape Character
- Noise and pollution
- Conservation Areas

Full text:

The plan does not disclose any strategy for sustainability of Knebworth. Knebworth's infrastructure is already under enormous pressure and the plan does not set out any way in which this strain is to be elevated. The roads are congested, the station is over-used and it is near impossible to obtain a doctor's appointment. None of this has been addressed.

In addition, there is no indication of any new job creation in the village meaning that the already heavily used roads and railways will be further strained by more commuters.

Further, drainage issues do not seem to have been considered. There is a real risk of surface water flooding.

The amount of proposed new housing is not justified when Stevenage West land is reserved and the extra impact of Woolmer Green plans are not considered.

There is a real danger that Knebworth's identity as a separate village will be jeopardised. The plans are contrary to Government policy.

The proposed sites will destroy the open countryside which is used by locals for recreation and is a valuable asset to the community, not to mention its addition to the attraction of Knebworth. The whole character of the village will be changed and destroyed.

The proposed site on Gypsy Lane, will be near to the A1. We hear the A1 where we live. I cannot imagine anyone wanting to live any closer to it than we do. The noise and pollution would be unbearable. This location is entirely unsuitable for a primary school for the same reasons.

There are real concerns about access to the proposed site off Gypsy Lane. The narrow lanes and narrow railway bridge make this site unsuitable for development.

The development is likely to impact adversely on wildlife and will damage the character of Stockens Green Conservation Area.

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