Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

GA1 Land at Roundwood (Graveley parish)

Representation ID: 3611

Received: 29/11/2016

Respondent: Mr & Mrs James & Donna Harrington

Number of people: 2

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to GA1:
- Highway infrastructure, safety and congestion
- Transport assessment
- Loss of grass verges and trees and associated environmental impact
- Parking facilities
- Pedestrian safety
- Public Transport and proposed bus route
- Schooling and GP Facilities
- Emergency Services
- HMO's
- Empty Homes
- Green Belt Land

Full text:

We are writing to object to application 16/01731/1 by Croudace Homes to develop 360 new homes on the land known as Roundwood.
We appreciate that there is a shortage of housing, but we feel that there are a number of issues with this proposed development, the main issue being that the proposed access roads (Bray Drive, Mendip Way and Haybluff Drive) will not be able to cope with the increased level of traffic and will compromise the safety of residents, even after the proposed changes to these roads.
Having read the supporting Transport Assessment undertaken by Wormald Burrows Partnership Ltd and issued by Croudace to support and justify their application, we would like to make the following points:
1. Section 2.1.7: Promises "safe and easy access for all sections of the community, including people with disabilities, the infirm and parents of young children" -Losing grass and trees will have an environmental impact.
* We do not see how removing the grass verges and trees and widening the roads in Bray Drive, Mendip Way and Haybluff Drive comply with this statement.
* Residents, including many children, will have to step/walk in the road to pass each other if verges are removed.
* The level of traffic will increase, which will pose even greater danger to those having to walk in the road.
* There will be reduced availability of parking and increased parking issues.
* We have to pull out on to Bray Drive and already find it difficult, as it is a busy road and cars are parked all the way along which reduces visibility.
* We regularly walk around Great Ashby with our 3 year old and our dog and find crossing Bray Drive and Mendip Way difficult because of the level of traffic and poor visibility due to parked cars.
* Driving up Bray Drive and Mendip Way is also difficult, with the current levels of traffic.
* These roads are currently main access routes for Great Ashby residents but they are now also proposed to be the main access for the Roundwood development. We feel this is a ridiculous proposal, will increase traffic to an unacceptable level and will be an accident waiting to happen.
* Many children, families and childminders use these roads to walk to schools, shops, playgrounds etc and need to be able to do so safely.
2. Section 3.2.8: The report states that the level of traffic on Mendip Way was observed as "light" compared to roads of similar "width".
* We disagree with the report regarding level of traffic and numbers of cars parked on these roads.
* We are aware of a number of traffic and parking surveys carried out by Great Ashby residents on different days and times, that have been submitted, that reflect the true levels

3. Section 3.5.30: Provision of a bus route.
* We do not feel it would be appropriate, or even possible, for a bus to travel on these roads with the increase in traffic levels and parking issues.
* There are already issues passing buses on the main Great Ashby road, due to parked cars, which is a bigger road.

4. Section 3.6.14: No excessive waiting times or dangerous maneuvering were observed
* We have encountered problems driving along Mendip way, constantly having to pull in & out, people not giving way, speeding to be able to get past parked cars. This will only get worse if the development is approved.

5. Section 3.6.16: The report states that Haybluff Drive experiences parking only on one side without simultaneous parking on both sides of the carriageway.
* If the development is approved available parking will be an issue and it will push the vehicles from Mendip Way to park in Haybluff Drive. Parking will then be on both sides.
* The roads in this area are already at full capacity and cannot take any overflow of cars caused by the changes to the existing roads.
* This will also hinder free movement of traffic in all roads in this area.

6. Section 5.1.4: The report presumes the majority of traffic will be redistributed along Haybluff Drive and not Calder Way.
* This will put even more stress on roads that are already at full capacity and will cause roads to be very unsafe for current residents.
* Church Lane (Graveley) and Back Lane (Weston) are currently 'Rat Runs' and are regularly congested.
Proposed changes to the road layout improving access to Church Lane and Back Lane will only result in a further increase in traffic volumes.

Other Issues:

1. Schooling and GP Facilities:
There aren't any schools or GP facilities in the proposed development.
Local schools are already oversubscribed.
Great Ashby does not have its own GP surgery. Local GP surgeries are therefore full and residents have to travel across Stevenage.

2. Emergency Services
Large emergency service vehicles already cannot access areas due to parking. This will get worse if the development is approved.
Is there any consideration for an increase in policing numbers to cope with the increased population?

3. HMO's
We have the highest percentage of HMO's in the County in this area alone. Great Ashby accounts for the majority of the HMO's under the local authority.
This has led to increased pressure on existing infrastructure, and public safety.
The local authority has a responsibility to protect existing residents, their environment and wellbeing.

4. Empty Homes
I would like to question how many "empty houses" currently exist in the county and how many of those are in North Herts. I have just this evening (29/11/2016) seen a news report stating that three neighboring counties each have over 3000 empty homes, do we really need more if so many empty home already exist?

5. Future Plans
Consideration has not been given to "future" plans for a further 800 houses in Great Ashby (GA2). This will also impact on roads (including Mendip Way) and local services.

6. Green Belt Land
The proposed development is on Green Belt land.

I hope all of our points above are taken into consideration and that they contribute to the refusal of the planning application.

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