Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

Policy SP15: Site LG1 - North of Letchworth Garden City

Representation ID: 3071

Received: 28/11/2016

Respondent: Mr and Mrs Chris and Sarah Parkinson

Number of people: 2

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to SP15 - LG1:
- Consultation process
- Housing need assessment
- Highway infrastructure and congestion
- Education facilities

Full text:

I have been looking to these plans and some of the information and a few things concern me that I would like to respond to you with:

Firstly the consultation on this issue seems at best confusing, there is loads of information out there and it is hard for a resident who has concerns to be able to muddle through all the documentation and produce a response that will be listened to. As someone who doesn't know the correct lingo in this area I feel out of depth responding and know many who feel the same way. For such a controversial plan, surely the consultation itself should provide better ways to facilitate a discussion. As a resident that will be affected by any additional housing on the Grange I have had to hunt about for the information that has been published.

Secondly, I would love to understand better the need for this housing - from what I've read on other sources the true local need for new housing for North Hertfordshire District Council (NHDC) (as determined by Consultants for the Council) (i.e. to meet the forecast, natural increase of population by 2031, including North Herts youngsters) from 2011 to 2031 is about 6,000 new dwellings, not the 14000 that NHDC is saying they need. If this 6000 houses was the true number required housing sites could be found from other sources and reduce the need to build north of the Grange in Letchworth.

Thirdly I am incredibly concerned about the additional housing north of the Grange and the impact this will have on traffic through the estate and also on the pressure on our local school. Our estate doesn't need the additional 1000 cars driving through its roads making them less safe for our children.

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