Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
IC1 Land at Duncots Close
Representation ID: 3250
Received: 29/11/2016
Respondent: Emma Waters
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
Object to IC1:
- Village infrastructure and facilities
- Building on the Green Belt
- Historic character
- Highway infrastructure and congestion
- Air pollution
- Drainage and flooding
- Scale of development
- Risk of merging towns
With reference to the local plan submission. Whereas I agree that houses have to be built, to this extent in such a small village where other areas are better equipped to take some of the strain is will completely ruin the village. We moved to the village for the Green space, local school and community spirit which sites IC1, IC2 and IC3 would destroy, all of these sites are on greenbelt land! IC3 would completely eliminate the historical heart of the village do links to the church, there is no need to move the school, plenty of children attend from outside the village so it can't be
that over subscribed.
The traffic on Bedford Road is out of hand as it is with sites IC1,2 and 3 would make matters far worse if that's possible let alone the pollution and not knowing what the neighbouring authorities are proposing the increase in traffic would be a disaster.
IC1,2,3 and LS1 sites are not sound for reasons above and more such as the constant flooding and lack of proper consultation.
Please reconsider the scale of development in this area before we become like Walsworth swallowed into merging towns with no boundaries, character or reason to stay/move here.
Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
IC2 Burford Grange, Bedford Road
Representation ID: 3251
Received: 29/11/2016
Respondent: Emma Waters
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
Object to IC2:
- Village infrastructure and facilities
- Building on the Green Belt
- Historic character
- Highway infrastructure and congestion
- Air pollution
- Drainage and flooding
- Scale of development
- Risk of merging towns
With reference to the local plan submission. Whereas I agree that houses have to be built, to this extent in such a small village where other areas are better equipped to take some of the strain is will completely ruin the village. We moved to the village for the Green space, local school and community spirit which sites IC1, IC2 and IC3 would destroy, all of these sites are on greenbelt land! IC3 would completely eliminate the historical heart of the village do links to the church, there is no need to move the school, plenty of children attend from outside the village so it can't be
that over subscribed.
The traffic on Bedford Road is out of hand as it is with sites IC1,2 and 3 would make matters far worse if that's possible let alone the pollution and not knowing what the neighbouring authorities are proposing the increase in traffic would be a disaster.
IC1,2,3 and LS1 sites are not sound for reasons above and more such as the constant flooding and lack of proper consultation.
Please reconsider the scale of development in this area before we become like Walsworth swallowed into merging towns with no boundaries, character or reason to stay/move here.
Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
IC3 Land at Bedford Road
Representation ID: 3252
Received: 29/11/2016
Respondent: Emma Waters
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
Object to IC3:
- Village infrastructure and facilities
- Building on the Green Belt
- Historic character
- Highway infrastructure and congestion
- Air pollution
- Drainage and flooding
- Scale of development
- Risk of merging towns
With reference to the local plan submission. Whereas I agree that houses have to be built, to this extent in such a small village where other areas are better equipped to take some of the strain is will completely ruin the village. We moved to the village for the Green space, local school and community spirit which sites IC1, IC2 and IC3 would destroy, all of these sites are on greenbelt land! IC3 would completely eliminate the historical heart of the village do links to the church, there is no need to move the school, plenty of children attend from outside the village so it can't be
that over subscribed.
The traffic on Bedford Road is out of hand as it is with sites IC1,2 and 3 would make matters far worse if that's possible let alone the pollution and not knowing what the neighbouring authorities are proposing the increase in traffic would be a disaster.
IC1,2,3 and LS1 sites are not sound for reasons above and more such as the constant flooding and lack of proper consultation.
Please reconsider the scale of development in this area before we become like Walsworth swallowed into merging towns with no boundaries, character or reason to stay/move here.
Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
LS1 Land at Bedford Road
Representation ID: 3253
Received: 29/11/2016
Respondent: Emma Waters
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
Object to LS1:
- Village infrastructure and facilities
- Building on the Green Belt
- Historic character
- Highway infrastructure and congestion
- Air pollution
- Drainage and flooding
- Scale of development
- Risk of merging towns
With reference to the local plan submission. Whereas I agree that houses have to be built, to this extent in such a small village where other areas are better equipped to take some of the strain is will completely ruin the village. We moved to the village for the Green space, local school and community spirit which sites IC1, IC2 and IC3 would destroy, all of these sites are on greenbelt land! IC3 would completely eliminate the historical heart of the village do links to the church, there is no need to move the school, plenty of children attend from outside the village so it can't be
that over subscribed.
The traffic on Bedford Road is out of hand as it is with sites IC1,2 and 3 would make matters far worse if that's possible let alone the pollution and not knowing what the neighbouring authorities are proposing the increase in traffic would be a disaster.
IC1,2,3 and LS1 sites are not sound for reasons above and more such as the constant flooding and lack of proper consultation.
Please reconsider the scale of development in this area before we become like Walsworth swallowed into merging towns with no boundaries, character or reason to stay/move here.