Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

IC2 Burford Grange, Bedford Road

Representation ID: 3028

Received: 29/11/2016

Respondent: Victoria Tizzard

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to IC2:
- No prior consultation on sites
- Building on the Green Belt, conflicts SHDC strategic Objectives
- Relocation of the school
- Historic Character
- Pedestrian facilities and safety
- Highway infrastructure and congestion

Full text:

I'm writing to object to the NHDC Proposed Submission Local Plan for additional housing in Ickleford.

My objections are as follows;

* I was very shocked to learn that our district councillor had voted in favour of the plan, despite the fact that there had been the addition of sites, including the one listed on the plan as IC3, without the proper prior consultation. In my view that makes the plan not legally compliant.

* My second objection is based on that fact that the planned sites IC1, IC2 and IC2 are not sound as they conflict with the NHDC strategic objectives on greenbelt, and would fundamentally change the fabric of the village, by blending it into Hitchin.

* I was very shocked to hear of the plan for a relocation of the school. I have lived in the village for 11 years and have two young children who attend Ickleford School. We chose to live in Ickleford due to the character of the village and the increase in the school size and location would without doubt change the village. This conflicts with the NHDC policy to protect and enhance the historic character of villages. The village is also unable to take an increase in traffic as the roads are already very congested and walking along some of the pavements with small children already feels unsafe at times and this pedestrian safety issue/danger would only increase.

I hope that the inspector will review the plan. I am very worried about the effect of these proposals on the fabric of the village as a pleasant place to live and am very concerned about safety with a massive increase in traffic in the area.


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

IC1 Land at Duncots Close

Representation ID: 3029

Received: 29/11/2016

Respondent: Victoria Tizzard

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to IC1:
- No prior consultation on sites
- Building on the Green Belt, conflicts SHDC strategic Objectives
- Relocation of the school
- Historic Character
- Pedestrian facilities and safety
- Highway infrastructure and congestion

Full text:

I'm writing to object to the NHDC Proposed Submission Local Plan for additional housing in Ickleford.

My objections are as follows;

* I was very shocked to learn that our district councillor had voted in favour of the plan, despite the fact that there had been the addition of sites, including the one listed on the plan as IC3, without the proper prior consultation. In my view that makes the plan not legally compliant.

* My second objection is based on that fact that the planned sites IC1, IC2 and IC2 are not sound as they conflict with the NHDC strategic objectives on greenbelt, and would fundamentally change the fabric of the village, by blending it into Hitchin.

* I was very shocked to hear of the plan for a relocation of the school. I have lived in the village for 11 years and have two young children who attend Ickleford School. We chose to live in Ickleford due to the character of the village and the increase in the school size and location would without doubt change the village. This conflicts with the NHDC policy to protect and enhance the historic character of villages. The village is also unable to take an increase in traffic as the roads are already very congested and walking along some of the pavements with small children already feels unsafe at times and this pedestrian safety issue/danger would only increase.

I hope that the inspector will review the plan. I am very worried about the effect of these proposals on the fabric of the village as a pleasant place to live and am very concerned about safety with a massive increase in traffic in the area.


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

IC3 Land at Bedford Road

Representation ID: 3030

Received: 29/11/2016

Respondent: Victoria Tizzard

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to IC3:
- No prior consultation on sites
- Building on the Green Belt, conflicts SHDC strategic Objectives
- Relocation of the school
- Historic Character
- Pedestrian facilities and safety
- Highway infrastructure and congestion

Full text:

I'm writing to object to the NHDC Proposed Submission Local Plan for additional housing in Ickleford.

My objections are as follows;

* I was very shocked to learn that our district councillor had voted in favour of the plan, despite the fact that there had been the addition of sites, including the one listed on the plan as IC3, without the proper prior consultation. In my view that makes the plan not legally compliant.

* My second objection is based on that fact that the planned sites IC1, IC2 and IC2 are not sound as they conflict with the NHDC strategic objectives on greenbelt, and would fundamentally change the fabric of the village, by blending it into Hitchin.

* I was very shocked to hear of the plan for a relocation of the school. I have lived in the village for 11 years and have two young children who attend Ickleford School. We chose to live in Ickleford due to the character of the village and the increase in the school size and location would without doubt change the village. This conflicts with the NHDC policy to protect and enhance the historic character of villages. The village is also unable to take an increase in traffic as the roads are already very congested and walking along some of the pavements with small children already feels unsafe at times and this pedestrian safety issue/danger would only increase.

I hope that the inspector will review the plan. I am very worried about the effect of these proposals on the fabric of the village as a pleasant place to live and am very concerned about safety with a massive increase in traffic in the area.

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