Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
Policy SP18: Site GA2 - Land off Mendip Way, Great Ashby
Representation ID: 2547
Received: 30/11/2016
Respondent: James Logan
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
Object to GA2:
- Loss of Green Belt Land
- Traffic Levels
- Highway infrastructure and congestion
- Scale of development
- Community facilities
- Population increase and trespassing
I would like to register my concerns with the proposals to the expansion of Great Ashby - GA1 & GA2 and also the proposal for Weston - WE1.
As you surely know, the area around Great Ashby is Green Belt land which has already been breached by the previous development of Great Ashby. With further expansion planned, what really is the point of having a Green Belt?! The traffic along the road is already far higher and at peak times is at capacity for what the narrow lane between Weston and Great Ashby can take. Noticeable traffic levels have already impacted the surrounding villages as well as other undesirable consequences.
WE1 is another area for concern as the proposal for number of houses is far higher than the identified need of 14. No reason seems to have been given for this and yet again creates more traffic which stretches the facilities of the village further. Once again, the propose site is also on Green Belt land which causes concern as to where or when the development will actually stop as clear boundaries previously put in place are not being adhered to.
With the population of the area significantly increasing, we have seen a rise in trespassing across land including scrambler motorbikes, etc on footpaths and going across private land. At the very least, I would like to see assistance to land owners in helping combat this adverse effect of expanding the village and nearby areas, with actual measures put in place.
Thank you for conveying my concerns and objections to these plans to the council.
Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
GA1 Land at Roundwood (Graveley parish)
Representation ID: 2548
Received: 30/11/2016
Respondent: James Logan
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
Object to GA1:
- Loss of Green Belt Land
- Traffic Levels
- Highway infrastructure and congestion
- Scale of development
- Community facilities
- Population increase and trespassing
I would like to register my concerns with the proposals to the expansion of Great Ashby - GA1 & GA2 and also the proposal for Weston - WE1.
As you surely know, the area around Great Ashby is Green Belt land which has already been breached by the previous development of Great Ashby. With further expansion planned, what really is the point of having a Green Belt?! The traffic along the road is already far higher and at peak times is at capacity for what the narrow lane between Weston and Great Ashby can take. Noticeable traffic levels have already impacted the surrounding villages as well as other undesirable consequences.
WE1 is another area for concern as the proposal for number of houses is far higher than the identified need of 14. No reason seems to have been given for this and yet again creates more traffic which stretches the facilities of the village further. Once again, the propose site is also on Green Belt land which causes concern as to where or when the development will actually stop as clear boundaries previously put in place are not being adhered to.
With the population of the area significantly increasing, we have seen a rise in trespassing across land including scrambler motorbikes, etc on footpaths and going across private land. At the very least, I would like to see assistance to land owners in helping combat this adverse effect of expanding the village and nearby areas, with actual measures put in place.
Thank you for conveying my concerns and objections to these plans to the council.
Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
WE1 Land off Hitchin Road
Representation ID: 2549
Received: 30/11/2016
Respondent: James Logan
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
Object to WE1:
- Loss of Green Belt Land
- Traffic Levels
- Highway infrastructure and congestion
- Scale of development
- Community facilities
- Population increase and trespassing
I would like to register my concerns with the proposals to the expansion of Great Ashby - GA1 & GA2 and also the proposal for Weston - WE1.
As you surely know, the area around Great Ashby is Green Belt land which has already been breached by the previous development of Great Ashby. With further expansion planned, what really is the point of having a Green Belt?! The traffic along the road is already far higher and at peak times is at capacity for what the narrow lane between Weston and Great Ashby can take. Noticeable traffic levels have already impacted the surrounding villages as well as other undesirable consequences.
WE1 is another area for concern as the proposal for number of houses is far higher than the identified need of 14. No reason seems to have been given for this and yet again creates more traffic which stretches the facilities of the village further. Once again, the propose site is also on Green Belt land which causes concern as to where or when the development will actually stop as clear boundaries previously put in place are not being adhered to.
With the population of the area significantly increasing, we have seen a rise in trespassing across land including scrambler motorbikes, etc on footpaths and going across private land. At the very least, I would like to see assistance to land owners in helping combat this adverse effect of expanding the village and nearby areas, with actual measures put in place.
Thank you for conveying my concerns and objections to these plans to the council.