Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft


Representation ID: 2520

Received: 30/11/2016

Respondent: Hazel Mackrill

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to Codicote (in general):
- Transport Modelling and assessment
- Highway infrastructure, mitigation and congestion
- Quarry Traffic
- Healthcare facilities
- Scale of development

Full text:

I refer to the following point in your proposals:

13.81 "Our transport modelling does not identify a requirement for any specific mitigation measures in Codicote" Whoever undertook the modelling clearly does not understand the transport situation in Codicote. The main road through Codicote from Hitchin to Welwyn is continually at a standstill which has been made worse in recent years due to the high volume of 20 ton lorries travelling to and from the quarry. The same goes for St Albans road, from Wheathamstead into Codicote. It means being in a traffic jam if you want to go to the Doctors or go to work in the morning and afternoon. The current road infrastructure can't and does not cope. Having a further 300 plus houses with no doubt 700 plus more cars will mean everything will grind to a halt.

13.82 "Sites in Codicote will need to ensure that any transport assessments appropriately take these issues into account and contribute reasonably to any necessary measures which may seek to address these issues"
This is an extremely vague and soft requirement in my opinion. What are the mitigating measures which could address the major issues? A by-pass? There is no capacity to widen the road and little capacity for traffic 'flow' measures. As already mentioned the current infrastructure is already at breaking point, so adding more volume will only make matters much worse. This has already been voiced to officials from North Herts District Council, at various public meetings on the matter and no answers have been provided.

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