Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft


Representation ID: 2695

Received: 30/11/2016

Respondent: Mr Gerald Tidy

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? Not specified

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to Ickleford (in general):
- Ickleford village has a very old sewer running along Arlesey Road.
- Sewage at capacity - public health issue, pollution into River Oughton
- Storm water issues and loss of natural run off

Full text:

Comments for the Inspector Objecting to proposed development
Ickleford village has a very old mixed sewer running along Arlesey Road.
Although Anglia Water say this can "cope" they refer only to dry conditions. This is not the case when dealing with storm water especially in early Summer when a very heavy rain shower is accompanied by sewage egessing through manholes causing contamination of drives and gardens.
The incidence of this foul problem is increasing and is now occurring 2-3 times a year. It is a public health problem - see Anglian Water website on how to cope with sewage outflow; the length of time children should be kept off the soiled area and the need to destroy any edible produce.
It also causes pollution of River Oughton.
Anglian Water flush the pipe but currently have no plan or intention to prevent the mixed water and sewage backing up in the system. The pipe cannot cope with the flow, it causes back pressure and comes up through manholes.
It seems currently expedient to put up with the residents complaints, wash down and disinfect drives. The mix of sanitary products and sewage with the water in gardens are hosed into River Oughton, usually a clear chalk stream.
Among other properties in the area, Duncots Close (itself a relatively recent development) is already subject to this problem and any further development in this area will put further pressure on the antiquated mixed storm water and sewage pipe.
As well as the added pressure of water from new homes, the loss of natural rain run off will also exacerbate the problem.

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