Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

GA1 Land at Roundwood (Graveley parish)

Representation ID: 2440

Received: 30/11/2016

Respondent: Ms Michelle Malcolm

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? Not specified

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Objection to GA1:
- Safety - roads during peak times, car parking, increase in traffic, road safety, emergency service access
- Paths: landscaping of the street will change. The paths will be eliminated in order to widen the road - pedestrian safety
- disturbance - impact of widening on parking and gardens, safety, noise, pollution
- loss of privacy
- the bus service will add to the noise, road congestion and loss of privacy.
- road access: will be too much traffic
- nature conservation - loss

Full text:

I object to the building of the Roundwood development for the following reasons::


Roads - the roads are busy during peak times with cars parked on both sides of the road. I have a shared driveway and garage which I always use. Coming out of the driveway onto the road is already dangerous with cars parked right up to the driveway and obscuring my view of oncoming traffic. Because cars are parked so close on either side I often need to do a 3 point turn just to get onto the road. With the new development there will be fewer parking spaces and more traffic, The road will be more dangerous. I have watched emergency services many times travel down Mendip Way and it takes much longer than it should because of the number of cars on the road and the way in which they are parked.

Paths - The landscaping of the street will change. The paths will be eliminated in order to widen the road. There are several places in Great Ashby where it is difficult for pedestrians to walk safely because of the lack of a pathway. It will not be safe for people to walk along Mendip way if there are areas with little or no path. It will be difficult for people to walk with young children and pushchairs and for those who are physically disabled or visually impaired.


How long will it take to widen the road? Where will people park their cars? Will my front garden be disturbed? Will I have safe access to my house when the work is being carried out? Will I be able to access my driveway without restrictions? How much noise will there be? How much pollution will there be?

I am also concerned about the loss of privacy when the pathway is gone and I worry that once the work has been done people will walk on my front garden if there is nowhere else for them to walk safely. The addition of a bus service in operation will add to the noise, road congestion and loss of privacy.


There will simply be too much traffic on one stretch of road. Road works or severe bad weather will leave Great Ashby gridlocked.


Many trees, plants and wildlife including deer will be lost

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