Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft


Representation ID: 3630

Received: 29/11/2016

Respondent: Kathleen Mallam

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to Codicote (in general):
- Scale of development
- Lack of employment
- Transport links/public transport
- Affordable housing
- Highway infrastructure and congestion
- Parking requirements
- General infrastructure (healthcare and education facilities)
- Local amenities

Full text:

I am writing to express my great concern over the proposed plan to increase the number of dwellings in Codicote by more than 25% of the existing village size. I accept that more housing is needed, and that Codicote should provide some, but what is suggested is an unacceptable large 'share' and totally inappropriate for the reasons I will discuss below. I have lived in Codicote for over 35 years and therefore am well qualified to express concerns based on the problems the village faces already, all of which will be made worse by such a large number of additional dwellings.

My reasons for objecting are as follows:

1. Lack of employment. Employment within Codicote itself is minimal (and indeed loss one of the suggested housing sites - the Garden Centre - will remove an area of employment that does exist. This means that the new housing will be for commuters- and each household will need at least 2 cars.

2. Lack of decent transport links - cars are needed to get to the station - (about 5 miles away). Even increasing the existing few bus links would not help much as most commuters cannot be certain of their return time.

3. It will not be 'affordable housing' which is what is required, as those in real need of affordable housing will find it difficult to afford to run the two cars. Affordable housing is best placed near to employment or to rail links. Current 'affordable' housing in Codicote - such as 'The Paddocks' is barely affordable now.

4. TRAFFIC - as stated above, each new dwelling will generate at least 2 cars, of which it is probable that at least one, if not both, will head to and from Welwyn on the B656. The B656 already carries a huge amount of commuter traffic heading south (to Welwyn) from around 7-9 am and north (towards Hitchin) from 4.00 -7.00 pm, as the road is used as a 'rat run' to avoid the bottleneck of only 2 lanes in the A1M between Stevenage and Welwyn. At these 'rush hours' it is very difficult for traffic from the side roads of Codicote actually to get on to the B656 unless a kind driver lets them in - and this difficulty is greatest if trying to 'cross the traffic' - ie in the morning enter from West (as would be those from Heath Lane and from Cowards Lane), or evening from the East.

5. Parking- unless the new dwellings are given 2 parking slots. Most of the new houses built since we moved to Codicote have only been given one such slot- so cars are parked on the roads in many inappropriate places. More houses can only make this worse.

6. General infrastructure- the excellent primary school is already massively oversubscribed. It is very difficult to get an appointment with the Doctors in Welwyn (they get booked up within minutes of opening a booking period). I do not have the knowledge to comment on the adequacy of drainage , supply of water , power etc. However, in some years the river Mimram has run dry from water extraction- - I do not know if this is still a major source of the supply to local villages.

I accept that Codicote should do its share in taking some new houses, -the site next to 'the Close' has been under consideration for housing for as long as I have lived in the village and 48 houses there is reasonable. However, the numbers of suggested houses on the Heath Lane and Cowards Lane sites are totally inappropriate. Codicote Garden Centre with its excellent café is a major amenity for the village - in particular for the elderly (there are three sites of sheltered housing in Codicote) , and for those with young children, as it is possible to walk there on a pavement (not possible for the further Garden Centre). The Garden Centre would be a great loss.

I do hope that the Government's Inspector will reconsider this plan.

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