Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

BK3 Land between Cambridge Road and Royston Road

Representation ID: 3144

Received: 27/11/2016

Respondent: Carol Doling

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to BK3:
- Scale of development
- Public transport
- Private car ownership
- Sewage capacity
- Increase noise and pollution
- Construction traffic
- Lack of local infrastructure (Doctors, schools and shops)
- Village character
- Heritage assets
- Natural environment/landscape character
- Light pollution
- Previous consultations
- Economic benefit
- Housing young families
- Not consistent with the NPPF
- Local Amenities
- NHDC Policy 7 Selected Villages beyond the Green Belt extension of this.

Full text:

As a resident of Barkway with concerns for the village preserving its historic and rural identity, I wish to object most strongly to the above plan and in particular to the aspects of it known as BK3 and request that this proposed development is removed from the plan.
My objections are as follows:
* The size of the development is out of all proportion to the size of the village.
* As there is a lack of local transport ie regular bus services the residents of the proposed development will be forced to use cars. Assuming 2 cars per household this will cause severe congestion at peak periods on the village inadequate road structure, particularly B1368.
* A development the size of this proposal would require a complete revamping of the sewage system in the village otherwise there will be an overload. This in turn will cause inconvenience to village residents.
* The development will cause unnecessary and extreme noise.
* The development will mean large plant and equipment moving in and around the village causing extreme pollution, noise and inconvenience to village residents.
* The lack of local amenities in the village to cope with a large increase in population ie Doctors, schools and shops.
* The impact on the appearance of the village, the character (Grade II buildings) and the natural environment.
* If the new development is allowed to take place there will be a considerable increase in light pollution severely impacting on the area.
* North Herts District Council appear to be trying to extend the permitted development of the village to include BK3 without prior and proper consultation.
* The development will have no economic benefit to the village or surrounding area and it will not create employment.
* The development is unlikely to provide housing for local young families.
I agree with the Parish Council that this development BK3 contravenes the main presumption of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)
Sustainable Transport - contravention NPPF30, NPPF35, NOOF38 and NPPF95, NDHC Policy SP6 and NHDC Policy 29 - 2C.
Local Amenities - contravention NPPF38, 55 and 72.
Impact on Character and appearance of surrounding areas and conserving and enhancing the natural environment - contravenes NPPF11 and their own statements.
Core Planning Principals - contravention NPPF par 17.
Economic Growth - contravention to NPPF par 28.
NHDC Policy 7 Selected Villages beyond the Green Belt extension of this.

In conclusion as a Barkway resident I am concerned that my Local District Council is not doing more to protect the environment from inappropriate development at the behest of greedy landowners!!

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