Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft


Representation ID: 2278

Received: 30/11/2016

Respondent: Ms Deborah Havis

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to Knebworth (in general):
- Impact on highways and transport
- Public transport
- Sewage at capacity
- Building on the Green Belt
- Knebworth loosing its village identity

Full text:

I write to express my concern for the planning in Knebworth as detailed in the paragraphs noted above.

I consider a crucial weakness to the planning to be related to the impact on highways and transport. Already, the high street in Knebworth is a bottle neck with congestion and queues of traffic at peak journey times on weekdays and through the weekend. This situation will be exasperated by the increase in traffic that should be anticipated with the addition of traffic from the new homes that are planned. Furthermore, the B197 from Knebworth through to the A1M junction at Welwyn, which is already heavily congested at peak times, will become impossible to use with the extra traffic from the suggested new build homes.

Bus and train journeys will also become increasingly uncomfortable with the addition of user numbers.

A further issue which does not seem to have been given due consideration relates to the limited capacity at the sewerage treatment works. The lack of foresight shown in this area could prove disastrous should the population be increased on such a considerable scale.

The removal of green belt land surrounding Knebworth is also an issue of concern. This space makes a significant contribution to protecting the separate identity of Knebworth and its loss would be a disaster. The influx of families to new homes would also strip Knebworth of its village identity.

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