Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft


Representation ID: 2254

Received: 30/11/2016

Respondent: Ms Joanna Woodman

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to Codicote (in general):
- Building in the Green Belt
- Highway infrastructure and safety
- School at capacity
- Community facilities (Open Space, health care)

Full text:

I understand you are putting together plans to build 200+ houses on our green belt within our village.

I strongly disagree with this proposal. My reasons are

I was brought up in this village 43 years ago and then moved away and it took me 32 years to return, I got married here and have now brought 2 children into this village so I feel very strongly about adding more homes. If you were to build 200+ houses this would potentially be an increase of 400 cars going through the village, we have enough trouble passing through the high street now where there are cars either side of the street adding to this will cause more accidents. We are also a rat run when the A1M has an accident and in the mornings this is causing havoc to get to and from school. The school two years ago rejected 6 local children as the school lacked space after much upset and appeal these children were accepted now you have accepted 60 children into the reception class and the children's classes have been shuffled, to add 200+ homes that is an extra potentially of 200 children where will they go, the school does not have the capacity for the children they have now. We are a village community and our children are safe and happy but we are already seeing when disaster strikes. We all raised money to have new playground equipment and last week this was torched with extra children what more is going to happen??

Another problem is the healthcare, my son waited 4 days to see a doctor due to the increased capacity of the local doctors surgery. It can't cope with the increase and putting more people through would be disastrous and potentially life threatening. We need plans in place to have our own doctors surgery if you are to put extra housing.

I ask you to reconsider and not build homes on our Greenbelt and keep our village a village.

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