Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

IC1 Land at Duncots Close

Representation ID: 2091

Received: 25/11/2016

Respondent: Mr and Mrs A and K Fletcher

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to IC1:
- Scale of development
- Alter nature of village
- Highway infrastructure and congestion
- Sewerage systems
- Education facilities
- Building on the Green Belt
- Village character
- Relocation of school
- Additional education capacity required
- Heritage assets

Full text:


SITES IC1, IC2, 1C3, LS1

The local plan proposes 319 new homes (on top of the 27 new homes already part of the Planning Process). These additional 346 homes would be out of all proportion to the current Ickleford village which comprises just 850 dwellings - the number of dwellings would represent an increase of 40% in the housing stock

Such a significant increase in the number of dwellings/residents would fundamentally and materially alter the nature of the village. It would also put further strain on local roads and sewerage systems as well as on local schooling.

Most of the proposed developments are on Green Belt land.

Ickleford is listed as an "Excluded village in policy 5 of the North Hertfordshire District Local Plan (no 2 with Alterations). This notes that the Council will normally permit development for housing "only if the development is compatible with the maintenance and enhancement of village character, and the maintenance of Green Belt boundaries". Our firm view is that the Local Plan clearly fails to meet either of these criteria.
Because of the additional education capacity required by the major proposed increase in homes, the Plan proposes to move the local village primary school away from its key site in the centre of the village to a location at IC3. This, to us and we believe to most residents, is utterly inappropriate and totally unacceptable.

The current school, built in 1848, has a Listed frontage and is the main focal point within the village. It is situated on the village Green and has strong links with the nearby church.

With its position on the Green, it has for over a century and a half been an ideal gathering place for parents and pupils at the beginning and end of each school day. Pupils love playing and chasing eachother on the Green and, in the Autumn, collecting conkers. Maypole dancing on its front lawn is also a well-established tradition for its pupils, as is the walk across the Green to the nearby Church for Harvest Festival and for Xmas Carols. This is all an integral part of the heart and soul of the village.

The relocation of the village school would have a significant and material adverse effect on the historic soul and character of Ickleford and we firmly believe it should be resisted at all costs.


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

IC2 Burford Grange, Bedford Road

Representation ID: 2092

Received: 25/11/2016

Respondent: Mr and Mrs A and K Fletcher

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to IC2:
- Scale of development
- Alter nature of village
- Highway infrastructure and congestion
- Sewerage systems
- Education facilities
- Building on the Green Belt
- Village character
- Relocation of school
- Additional education capacity required
- Heritage assets

Full text:


SITES IC1, IC2, 1C3, LS1

The local plan proposes 319 new homes (on top of the 27 new homes already part of the Planning Process). These additional 346 homes would be out of all proportion to the current Ickleford village which comprises just 850 dwellings - the number of dwellings would represent an increase of 40% in the housing stock

Such a significant increase in the number of dwellings/residents would fundamentally and materially alter the nature of the village. It would also put further strain on local roads and sewerage systems as well as on local schooling.

Most of the proposed developments are on Green Belt land.

Ickleford is listed as an "Excluded village in policy 5 of the North Hertfordshire District Local Plan (no 2 with Alterations). This notes that the Council will normally permit development for housing "only if the development is compatible with the maintenance and enhancement of village character, and the maintenance of Green Belt boundaries". Our firm view is that the Local Plan clearly fails to meet either of these criteria.
Because of the additional education capacity required by the major proposed increase in homes, the Plan proposes to move the local village primary school away from its key site in the centre of the village to a location at IC3. This, to us and we believe to most residents, is utterly inappropriate and totally unacceptable.

The current school, built in 1848, has a Listed frontage and is the main focal point within the village. It is situated on the village Green and has strong links with the nearby church.

With its position on the Green, it has for over a century and a half been an ideal gathering place for parents and pupils at the beginning and end of each school day. Pupils love playing and chasing eachother on the Green and, in the Autumn, collecting conkers. Maypole dancing on its front lawn is also a well-established tradition for its pupils, as is the walk across the Green to the nearby Church for Harvest Festival and for Xmas Carols. This is all an integral part of the heart and soul of the village.

The relocation of the village school would have a significant and material adverse effect on the historic soul and character of Ickleford and we firmly believe it should be resisted at all costs.


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

IC3 Land at Bedford Road

Representation ID: 2093

Received: 25/11/2016

Respondent: Mr and Mrs A and K Fletcher

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to IC3:
- Scale of development
- Alter nature of village
- Highway infrastructure and congestion
- Sewerage systems
- Education facilities
- Building on the Green Belt
- Village character
- Relocation of school
- Additional education capacity required
- Heritage assets

Full text:


SITES IC1, IC2, 1C3, LS1

The local plan proposes 319 new homes (on top of the 27 new homes already part of the Planning Process). These additional 346 homes would be out of all proportion to the current Ickleford village which comprises just 850 dwellings - the number of dwellings would represent an increase of 40% in the housing stock

Such a significant increase in the number of dwellings/residents would fundamentally and materially alter the nature of the village. It would also put further strain on local roads and sewerage systems as well as on local schooling.

Most of the proposed developments are on Green Belt land.

Ickleford is listed as an "Excluded village in policy 5 of the North Hertfordshire District Local Plan (no 2 with Alterations). This notes that the Council will normally permit development for housing "only if the development is compatible with the maintenance and enhancement of village character, and the maintenance of Green Belt boundaries". Our firm view is that the Local Plan clearly fails to meet either of these criteria.
Because of the additional education capacity required by the major proposed increase in homes, the Plan proposes to move the local village primary school away from its key site in the centre of the village to a location at IC3. This, to us and we believe to most residents, is utterly inappropriate and totally unacceptable.

The current school, built in 1848, has a Listed frontage and is the main focal point within the village. It is situated on the village Green and has strong links with the nearby church.

With its position on the Green, it has for over a century and a half been an ideal gathering place for parents and pupils at the beginning and end of each school day. Pupils love playing and chasing eachother on the Green and, in the Autumn, collecting conkers. Maypole dancing on its front lawn is also a well-established tradition for its pupils, as is the walk across the Green to the nearby Church for Harvest Festival and for Xmas Carols. This is all an integral part of the heart and soul of the village.

The relocation of the village school would have a significant and material adverse effect on the historic soul and character of Ickleford and we firmly believe it should be resisted at all costs.


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

LS1 Land at Bedford Road

Representation ID: 2094

Received: 25/11/2016

Respondent: Mr and Mrs A and K Fletcher

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to LS1:
- Scale of development
- Alter nature of village
- Highway infrastructure and congestion
- Sewerage systems
- Education facilities
- Building on the Green Belt
- Village character
- Relocation of school
- Additional education capacity required
- Heritage assets

Full text:


SITES IC1, IC2, 1C3, LS1

The local plan proposes 319 new homes (on top of the 27 new homes already part of the Planning Process). These additional 346 homes would be out of all proportion to the current Ickleford village which comprises just 850 dwellings - the number of dwellings would represent an increase of 40% in the housing stock

Such a significant increase in the number of dwellings/residents would fundamentally and materially alter the nature of the village. It would also put further strain on local roads and sewerage systems as well as on local schooling.

Most of the proposed developments are on Green Belt land.

Ickleford is listed as an "Excluded village in policy 5 of the North Hertfordshire District Local Plan (no 2 with Alterations). This notes that the Council will normally permit development for housing "only if the development is compatible with the maintenance and enhancement of village character, and the maintenance of Green Belt boundaries". Our firm view is that the Local Plan clearly fails to meet either of these criteria.
Because of the additional education capacity required by the major proposed increase in homes, the Plan proposes to move the local village primary school away from its key site in the centre of the village to a location at IC3. This, to us and we believe to most residents, is utterly inappropriate and totally unacceptable.

The current school, built in 1848, has a Listed frontage and is the main focal point within the village. It is situated on the village Green and has strong links with the nearby church.

With its position on the Green, it has for over a century and a half been an ideal gathering place for parents and pupils at the beginning and end of each school day. Pupils love playing and chasing eachother on the Green and, in the Autumn, collecting conkers. Maypole dancing on its front lawn is also a well-established tradition for its pupils, as is the walk across the Green to the nearby Church for Harvest Festival and for Xmas Carols. This is all an integral part of the heart and soul of the village.

The relocation of the village school would have a significant and material adverse effect on the historic soul and character of Ickleford and we firmly believe it should be resisted at all costs.

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