Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

Policy SP6: Sustainable Transport

Representation ID: 2067

Received: 24/11/2016

Respondent: Dr Brendan Walkden

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to SP6
- Does not comply with the NPPF
- Scale of development
- Town heritage
- Overwhelm the current infrastructure
- Promoting sustainable transport
- Highway infrastructure and congestion
- Significant number of rail commuters
- Baldock station and services
- Protecting Green Belt land
- Landscape/Village Character
- Ensuring the vitality of town centres
- Promoting healthy communities
- Impact of noise on local amenities

Full text:

As I am sure you are aware the North Herts local plan has caused a great deal of concern amongst local residents and I wanted to include my representations for consideration even though I am sure these mirror those of a great number of local residents. I believe the plan as it currently stands does not comply with the National Planning Policy Framework. Whilst most people could accept some degree of development, proposals which increase the town population by 80% and increase the number of cars by as many as 5000 will destroy the town heritage and overwhelm the infrastructure

Specifically I believe these to be the main issues
1. NPPF Section 4 - promoting sustainable transport.
1. Currently the crossroads in Baldock town centre, linking Whitehorse Street to the High Street is a significant bottle neck. The plan currently has 2800 homes planned for north of Baldock. As things currently stand, a trip across Baldock in morning rush hour, starting in Bygrave takes as much as 45 minutes, with traffic streaming back towards the A1.
2. The significant number of new residents will likely be rail commuters. There appear to be no plans to accommodate extra parking at Baldock station and the rail company, Govia are currently in consultation to downgrade the Baldock service. As things stand many trains into and out of London from Baldock suffer from significant overcrowding. I have doubts as to whether the current rail service and station at Baldock could cope with the addition of additional commuters from more than 3000 new homes in the town
3. In the absence of accessible town centre parking to accommodate more cars, the additional strain on parking capacity will effectively isolate residents from both upper and lower Bygrave, who, unable to walk into town will have nowhere to park should they drive

2. NPPF Section 9 - Protecting green belt land
1. The individuality of the town will be lost by this upsurge in population. In addition the area on which the houses are planned is very scenic. There are alternative brown belt sites in the area which could be used to absorb at least some of the proposed development.
2. Bygrave is a rural community and a scenic, historical village. This identity will be lost with the number of houses proposed at the North Herts site and effectively create 3 pockets of housing

3. NPPF Section 2 - Ensuring the vitality of town centres
1. I have not seen any plans for additional parking in Baldock town centre. Even though it is only a 15 minute walk into the town from the north Baldock site, we know many people take the car even for short journeys. This will strangle the town.

4. NPPF Section 17 - Promoting healthy communities
1. I have not seen robust plans for schooling to accommodate such a drastic uplift in population. This is key. The schools in Baldock are already extremely difficult to gain entry into (the acceptance criteria to Hertsfield Primary school in 2015 was 360 metres distance to the school gates). Knights Templar secondary school is excellent, but is also heavily over-subscribed. Without adequate planning for schools existing resident's children in the rural communities such as Bygrave and Ashwell face horrific commutes. Going out in the direction of the Cambridgeshire villages then having to come back through Baldock
2. The road planned to link Bygrave Road with the A507 roundabout is planned to be above ground. This will create a great deal of noise and destroy the beautiful views. I believe if this road is to be built it should be in a cutting and go under the railway line.

I understand the need for additional development in Baldock, however I strongly believe the scale of planning is disproportionate with what can be coped with by the town. 3,290 homes are simply too many and I do not believe the local plan complies with the NPPF in several areas.


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

Policy SP5: Countryside and Green Belt

Representation ID: 2068

Received: 24/11/2016

Respondent: Dr Brendan Walkden

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to SP5:
- Does not comply with the NPPF
- Scale of development
- Town heritage
- Overwhelm the current infrastructure
- Promoting sustainable transport
- Highway infrastructure and congestion
- Significant number of rail commuters
- Baldock station and services
- Protecting Green Belt land
- Landscape/Village Character
- Ensuring the vitality of town centres
- Promoting healthy communities
- Impact of noise on local amenities

Full text:

As I am sure you are aware the North Herts local plan has caused a great deal of concern amongst local residents and I wanted to include my representations for consideration even though I am sure these mirror those of a great number of local residents. I believe the plan as it currently stands does not comply with the National Planning Policy Framework. Whilst most people could accept some degree of development, proposals which increase the town population by 80% and increase the number of cars by as many as 5000 will destroy the town heritage and overwhelm the infrastructure

Specifically I believe these to be the main issues
1. NPPF Section 4 - promoting sustainable transport.
1. Currently the crossroads in Baldock town centre, linking Whitehorse Street to the High Street is a significant bottle neck. The plan currently has 2800 homes planned for north of Baldock. As things currently stand, a trip across Baldock in morning rush hour, starting in Bygrave takes as much as 45 minutes, with traffic streaming back towards the A1.
2. The significant number of new residents will likely be rail commuters. There appear to be no plans to accommodate extra parking at Baldock station and the rail company, Govia are currently in consultation to downgrade the Baldock service. As things stand many trains into and out of London from Baldock suffer from significant overcrowding. I have doubts as to whether the current rail service and station at Baldock could cope with the addition of additional commuters from more than 3000 new homes in the town
3. In the absence of accessible town centre parking to accommodate more cars, the additional strain on parking capacity will effectively isolate residents from both upper and lower Bygrave, who, unable to walk into town will have nowhere to park should they drive

2. NPPF Section 9 - Protecting green belt land
1. The individuality of the town will be lost by this upsurge in population. In addition the area on which the houses are planned is very scenic. There are alternative brown belt sites in the area which could be used to absorb at least some of the proposed development.
2. Bygrave is a rural community and a scenic, historical village. This identity will be lost with the number of houses proposed at the North Herts site and effectively create 3 pockets of housing

3. NPPF Section 2 - Ensuring the vitality of town centres
1. I have not seen any plans for additional parking in Baldock town centre. Even though it is only a 15 minute walk into the town from the north Baldock site, we know many people take the car even for short journeys. This will strangle the town.

4. NPPF Section 17 - Promoting healthy communities
1. I have not seen robust plans for schooling to accommodate such a drastic uplift in population. This is key. The schools in Baldock are already extremely difficult to gain entry into (the acceptance criteria to Hertsfield Primary school in 2015 was 360 metres distance to the school gates). Knights Templar secondary school is excellent, but is also heavily over-subscribed. Without adequate planning for schools existing resident's children in the rural communities such as Bygrave and Ashwell face horrific commutes. Going out in the direction of the Cambridgeshire villages then having to come back through Baldock
2. The road planned to link Bygrave Road with the A507 roundabout is planned to be above ground. This will create a great deal of noise and destroy the beautiful views. I believe if this road is to be built it should be in a cutting and go under the railway line.

I understand the need for additional development in Baldock, however I strongly believe the scale of planning is disproportionate with what can be coped with by the town. 3,290 homes are simply too many and I do not believe the local plan complies with the NPPF in several areas.


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

Policy SP4: Town and Local Centres

Representation ID: 2069

Received: 24/11/2016

Respondent: Dr Brendan Walkden

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to SP4:
- Does not comply with the NPPF
- Scale of development
- Town heritage
- Overwhelm the current infrastructure
- Promoting sustainable transport
- Highway infrastructure and congestion
- Significant number of rail commuters.
- Baldock station and services
- Protecting Green Belt land
- Landscape/Village Character
- Ensuring the vitality of town centres

Full text:

As I am sure you are aware the North Herts local plan has caused a great deal of concern amongst local residents and I wanted to include my representations for consideration even though I am sure these mirror those of a great number of local residents. I believe the plan as it currently stands does not comply with the National Planning Policy Framework. Whilst most people could accept some degree of development, proposals which increase the town population by 80% and increase the number of cars by as many as 5000 will destroy the town heritage and overwhelm the infrastructure

Specifically I believe these to be the main issues
1. NPPF Section 4 - promoting sustainable transport.
1. Currently the crossroads in Baldock town centre, linking Whitehorse Street to the High Street is a significant bottle neck. The plan currently has 2800 homes planned for north of Baldock. As things currently stand, a trip across Baldock in morning rush hour, starting in Bygrave takes as much as 45 minutes, with traffic streaming back towards the A1.
2. The significant number of new residents will likely be rail commuters. There appear to be no plans to accommodate extra parking at Baldock station and the rail company, Govia are currently in consultation to downgrade the Baldock service. As things stand many trains into and out of London from Baldock suffer from significant overcrowding. I have doubts as to whether the current rail service and station at Baldock could cope with the addition of additional commuters from more than 3000 new homes in the town
3. In the absence of accessible town centre parking to accommodate more cars, the additional strain on parking capacity will effectively isolate residents from both upper and lower Bygrave, who, unable to walk into town will have nowhere to park should they drive

2. NPPF Section 9 - Protecting green belt land
1. The individuality of the town will be lost by this upsurge in population. In addition the area on which the houses are planned is very scenic. There are alternative brown belt sites in the area which could be used to absorb at least some of the proposed development.
2. Bygrave is a rural community and a scenic, historical village. This identity will be lost with the number of houses proposed at the North Herts site and effectively create 3 pockets of housing

3. NPPF Section 2 - Ensuring the vitality of town centres
1. I have not seen any plans for additional parking in Baldock town centre. Even though it is only a 15 minute walk into the town from the north Baldock site, we know many people take the car even for short journeys. This will strangle the town.

4. NPPF Section 17 - Promoting healthy communities
1. I have not seen robust plans for schooling to accommodate such a drastic uplift in population. This is key. The schools in Baldock are already extremely difficult to gain entry into (the acceptance criteria to Hertsfield Primary school in 2015 was 360 metres distance to the school gates). Knights Templar secondary school is excellent, but is also heavily over-subscribed. Without adequate planning for schools existing resident's children in the rural communities such as Bygrave and Ashwell face horrific commutes. Going out in the direction of the Cambridgeshire villages then having to come back through Baldock
2. The road planned to link Bygrave Road with the A507 roundabout is planned to be above ground. This will create a great deal of noise and destroy the beautiful views. I believe if this road is to be built it should be in a cutting and go under the railway line.

I understand the need for additional development in Baldock, however I strongly believe the scale of planning is disproportionate with what can be coped with by the town. 3,290 homes are simply too many and I do not believe the local plan complies with the NPPF in several areas.


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

Policy SP10: Healthy Communities

Representation ID: 2070

Received: 24/11/2016

Respondent: Dr Brendan Walkden

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to SP10:
- Does not comply with the NPPF
- Scale of development
- Overwhelm the current infrastructure
- Promoting sustainable transport
- Highway infrastructure and congestion
- Protecting Green Belt land
- Ensuring the vitality of town centres
- Promoting healthy communities
- Impact of noise on local amenities

Full text:

As I am sure you are aware the North Herts local plan has caused a great deal of concern amongst local residents and I wanted to include my representations for consideration even though I am sure these mirror those of a great number of local residents. I believe the plan as it currently stands does not comply with the National Planning Policy Framework. Whilst most people could accept some degree of development, proposals which increase the town population by 80% and increase the number of cars by as many as 5000 will destroy the town heritage and overwhelm the infrastructure

Specifically I believe these to be the main issues
1. NPPF Section 4 - promoting sustainable transport.
1. Currently the crossroads in Baldock town centre, linking Whitehorse Street to the High Street is a significant bottle neck. The plan currently has 2800 homes planned for north of Baldock. As things currently stand, a trip across Baldock in morning rush hour, starting in Bygrave takes as much as 45 minutes, with traffic streaming back towards the A1.
2. The significant number of new residents will likely be rail commuters. There appear to be no plans to accommodate extra parking at Baldock station and the rail company, Govia are currently in consultation to downgrade the Baldock service. As things stand many trains into and out of London from Baldock suffer from significant overcrowding. I have doubts as to whether the current rail service and station at Baldock could cope with the addition of additional commuters from more than 3000 new homes in the town
3. In the absence of accessible town centre parking to accommodate more cars, the additional strain on parking capacity will effectively isolate residents from both upper and lower Bygrave, who, unable to walk into town will have nowhere to park should they drive

2. NPPF Section 9 - Protecting green belt land
1. The individuality of the town will be lost by this upsurge in population. In addition the area on which the houses are planned is very scenic. There are alternative brown belt sites in the area which could be used to absorb at least some of the proposed development.
2. Bygrave is a rural community and a scenic, historical village. This identity will be lost with the number of houses proposed at the North Herts site and effectively create 3 pockets of housing

3. NPPF Section 2 - Ensuring the vitality of town centres
1. I have not seen any plans for additional parking in Baldock town centre. Even though it is only a 15 minute walk into the town from the north Baldock site, we know many people take the car even for short journeys. This will strangle the town.

4. NPPF Section 17 - Promoting healthy communities
1. I have not seen robust plans for schooling to accommodate such a drastic uplift in population. This is key. The schools in Baldock are already extremely difficult to gain entry into (the acceptance criteria to Hertsfield Primary school in 2015 was 360 metres distance to the school gates). Knights Templar secondary school is excellent, but is also heavily over-subscribed. Without adequate planning for schools existing resident's children in the rural communities such as Bygrave and Ashwell face horrific commutes. Going out in the direction of the Cambridgeshire villages then having to come back through Baldock
2. The road planned to link Bygrave Road with the A507 roundabout is planned to be above ground. This will create a great deal of noise and destroy the beautiful views. I believe if this road is to be built it should be in a cutting and go under the railway line.

I understand the need for additional development in Baldock, however I strongly believe the scale of planning is disproportionate with what can be coped with by the town. 3,290 homes are simply too many and I do not believe the local plan complies with the NPPF in several areas.


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

Policy SP14: Site BA1 - North of Baldock

Representation ID: 2071

Received: 24/11/2016

Respondent: Dr Brendan Walkden

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to SP14 - BA1:
- Does not comply with the NPPF
- Scale of development
- Town heritage
- Overwhelm the current infrastructure
- Promoting sustainable transport
- Highway infrastructure and congestion
- Significant number of rail commuters
- Baldock station and services
- Protecting Green Belt land
- Landscape/Village Character
- Ensuring the vitality of town centres
- Promoting healthy communities
- Impact of noise on local amenities

Full text:

As I am sure you are aware the North Herts local plan has caused a great deal of concern amongst local residents and I wanted to include my representations for consideration even though I am sure these mirror those of a great number of local residents. I believe the plan as it currently stands does not comply with the National Planning Policy Framework. Whilst most people could accept some degree of development, proposals which increase the town population by 80% and increase the number of cars by as many as 5000 will destroy the town heritage and overwhelm the infrastructure

Specifically I believe these to be the main issues
1. NPPF Section 4 - promoting sustainable transport.
1. Currently the crossroads in Baldock town centre, linking Whitehorse Street to the High Street is a significant bottle neck. The plan currently has 2800 homes planned for north of Baldock. As things currently stand, a trip across Baldock in morning rush hour, starting in Bygrave takes as much as 45 minutes, with traffic streaming back towards the A1.
2. The significant number of new residents will likely be rail commuters. There appear to be no plans to accommodate extra parking at Baldock station and the rail company, Govia are currently in consultation to downgrade the Baldock service. As things stand many trains into and out of London from Baldock suffer from significant overcrowding. I have doubts as to whether the current rail service and station at Baldock could cope with the addition of additional commuters from more than 3000 new homes in the town
3. In the absence of accessible town centre parking to accommodate more cars, the additional strain on parking capacity will effectively isolate residents from both upper and lower Bygrave, who, unable to walk into town will have nowhere to park should they drive

2. NPPF Section 9 - Protecting green belt land
1. The individuality of the town will be lost by this upsurge in population. In addition the area on which the houses are planned is very scenic. There are alternative brown belt sites in the area which could be used to absorb at least some of the proposed development.
2. Bygrave is a rural community and a scenic, historical village. This identity will be lost with the number of houses proposed at the North Herts site and effectively create 3 pockets of housing

3. NPPF Section 2 - Ensuring the vitality of town centres
1. I have not seen any plans for additional parking in Baldock town centre. Even though it is only a 15 minute walk into the town from the north Baldock site, we know many people take the car even for short journeys. This will strangle the town.

4. NPPF Section 17 - Promoting healthy communities
1. I have not seen robust plans for schooling to accommodate such a drastic uplift in population. This is key. The schools in Baldock are already extremely difficult to gain entry into (the acceptance criteria to Hertsfield Primary school in 2015 was 360 metres distance to the school gates). Knights Templar secondary school is excellent, but is also heavily over-subscribed. Without adequate planning for schools existing resident's children in the rural communities such as Bygrave and Ashwell face horrific commutes. Going out in the direction of the Cambridgeshire villages then having to come back through Baldock
2. The road planned to link Bygrave Road with the A507 roundabout is planned to be above ground. This will create a great deal of noise and destroy the beautiful views. I believe if this road is to be built it should be in a cutting and go under the railway line.

I understand the need for additional development in Baldock, however I strongly believe the scale of planning is disproportionate with what can be coped with by the town. 3,290 homes are simply too many and I do not believe the local plan complies with the NPPF in several areas.

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