Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
KW1 Land west of The Heath, Breachwood Green
Representation ID: 2073
Received: 24/11/2016
Respondent: Mrs Jasmina Downes
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? Not specified
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
Object to the site on the following grounds:
The allotments provide a community area and outdoor space for residents;
Wildlife on the site;
Village infrastructure can not support further housing.
No facilities, e.g shop, doctors surgery
School is over capacity and cannot be extended;
Roads are already busy;
The waste water system is already at its maximum;
The public transport system is limited to a single bus route; and
The decibel level of Luton airport is above the legal standard for development beneath the flight path.
I write to inform you of my profound objection to the proposed development of the KW1 site in Breachwood Green.
My Husband and I own and live at number XXXXXXX. We rent one of the allotments on the proposed site. This year we have successfully grown our own potatoes, tomatoes and onions on the allotment.
The allotments provide a wonderful community area for the people who live here, many people grow their own fruit and vegetables on this land. For some of the residents of The Heath, the allotments provide the only outdoor space available to them. The land is also home to a great deal of wildlife. Birds of prey are an every day sight here. I am told that there is a very rare type of newt resident on this land.
To list but a few more objections:
The village infra structure can not support further housing.
There is no shop here.
There is no doctors surgery here.
The school is already well over capacity and cannot be extended.
The roads are already dangerously busy.
The waste water system is already at its maximum.
The public transport system is limited to a single bus route.
The decibel level of Luton airport is above the legal standard for development beneath the flight path.
There are other, far more suitable sites which have been suggested.
As stated in the sustainability appraisal of the NHDC Local plan, KW1 is" an isolated site which would be poor in terms of accessing local services and facilities".
Point 2.83 of the "proposed submission local plan" states:
2.83 Any new development will need to be located in places which have good access to jobs, shops, services and public transport and also provide opportunities to travel by foot or on a bike.
Breachwood green has no easy access to anything of this nature. It is certainly not somewhere that you would want to commute from on foot or by bike.
I have yet to meet one resident of this village that agrees with this proposal. If it goes ahead it will be extremely unpopular.
During the KWPC meeting on 8th November 2016 all councillors were asked why they had previously supported the NHDC local plan and they confirmed that they did not know and would consequently be re-evaluating their position.
Please let common sense prevail and prevent this application from going any further
Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
KW1 Land west of The Heath, Breachwood Green
Representation ID: 5370
Received: 29/11/2016
Respondent: Mrs Jasmina Downes
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
Green Belt, no exceptional circumstances, unsustainable - no facilities or services, well-used greenspace also allotments, agricultural grade3, biodiversity, traffic and air pollution, drainage upgrades needed, noise due to flight path, large proportional increase - residential amenity, GB review - development would change character of village.
See attached