Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
Policy SP18: Site GA2 - Land off Mendip Way, Great Ashby
Representation ID: 2423
Received: 30/11/2016
Respondent: Jacey Smithson
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? Not specified
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
Objection to SP18:GA2:
- impact on local community
- roads
- infrastructure
- wildlife
- greenbelt land
- parking problems- increase in HMO's
- traffic
- narrow roads
- infrastructure: local primary schools are over-subscribed, no local secondary school.
- doctors surgery is over-subscribed
- Lister hospital is struggling with the amount of patients
I am writing to put forward my objection to the proposed GA2 site. Given the scale of the development I have serious concerns about the impact that this would have on the local community, roads, infrastructure, wildlife and greenbelt land.
Great Ashby is already dealing with parking problems on virtually every street, this being made even worse in the last few years with the increase in HMO's that can have up to 6 cars per household. If there are potentially another 1000+ cars filtering through Mendip Way and Great Ashby Way , this is going to exacerbate an already growing problem. On busy mornings it can be difficult to get out of our driveway as it is without even more cars using the road.
Also the infrastructure simply isn't strong enough to cope with all these extra homes and people. The local primary schools are over-subscribed and there is no local secondary school. The doctors surgery is over-subscribed and Lister hospital is struggling with the amount of patients it has to deal with
Whilst I realize that there is a national need for housing, I don't think it's right that we will be forced to deal with all of these problems due to poor initial planning of our narrow roads and lack of facilities.