Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

CD1 Land south of Cowards Lane

Representation ID: 1844

Received: 30/11/2016

Respondent: Dr Andrew Fiske-Jackson

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? No

Representation Summary:

Object to CD1: Improvements required to highway infrastructure to ease congestion and improve pedestrian safety.

Full text:

I commute to work via the A1; congestion on the B656 results in a queue from the A1 back as far as Codicote Garden Centre. We need solutions to this transport problem not more houses resulting in more cars. There is no train station in Codicote so there is no other option but to use this road. There are children walking to school along this busy road. They risk their lives with the number of cars rushing through the village. More children and more cars will only result in an unimaginable accident. Codicote's roads cannot cope with any more traffic.

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