Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

AS1 Land west of Claybush Road

Representation ID: 2196

Received: 30/11/2016

Respondent: Mr Stuart Skerman

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? Not specified

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Objection to AS1:
-Highway safety-NPPF and NHDC's policy for highway safety
-protected valued landscape-North Baldock Chalk Uplands -development restricted under NPPF and NHDC's planning policy, current and emerging
-fails to meet NPPF requirements to protect the historic environment, conserve natural environment
-not taken into account appeal for housing on the site in 1987. The report stated that the view, particularly of the medieval church tower would be interrupted by building on the site.
-alternative sites based on feedback from the Neighbourhood Plan commissioned by the Parish Council -not been taken into account.
-opposition in consultation

Full text:

I am writing to confirm my objection to proposed development on site AS1 on the following grounds:-

Highway safety - The site fails to meet the requirements for highway safety to protect pedestrians and other road users as defined in the National Planning Policy Framework and NHDC's own policy for highway safety including the specific conditions for access to site AS1 in the draft local plan.

Protected valued landscape - The site is within the North Baldock Chalk Uplands and development is restricted under NPPF and NHDC's own local planning policy, both current and emerging.

Site AS1 fails to meet the requirements to protect the historic environment. Government advice set out in the NPPF seeks to conserve the natural environment which contributes to the to the local distinctiveness of the area. Plans and policies should ensure that new development preserves or enhances historic buildings and landscapes, conservation areas and important archaeological features and their settings. The planners have not taken into account the reasons given by the inspector on an appeal for housing on the site in 1987. The report stated that the view, particularly of the medieval church tower would be interrupted by building on the site.

Alternative sites to accommodate the proposed housing based on feedback from the Neighbourhood Plan commissioned by the Parish Council had not been taken into account.

In a consultation on the proposed site AS1, of 134 respondents only 1 was in favour of development on the site.

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