Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

GA1 Land at Roundwood (Graveley parish)

Representation ID: 2821

Received: 30/11/2016

Respondent: Mr Matt Dranse

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to GA1:
- Highway infrastructure and congestion
- Parking calculations
- Access to the site
- Education facilities
- Health facilities
- Building on Green Belt
- Brown Field available in Stevenage

Full text:

I am writing to lodge my objection to the above planned development.

Having registered with the on-line consultation system, I found it very confusing to use, and hence am lodging my objection directly here rather than through that website. Really, you couldn't have made it any harder for people to share their views.

My objections are on the following grounds:

1. There is not enough space to allow vehicular access to the proposed new development through existing local routes. I do not believe a thorough survey of the site has been carried out during 'key' times (i.e. 06:00-09:00 or 15:00-19:00), when parked cars almost always block the roads. These roads are already dangerous, and the removal/shrinking of the verges will make them more so.

2. The parking calculations for the residents of Bray Drive, Mendip Way and Haybluff Drive need to be reconsidered to factor in the actual number of residents in these dwellings, which are growing steadily into House of Multiple Occupancy. Hence the number of vehicles parking here will only increase.

3. It will be impossible for any public service transport vehicle to get through these roads (busses, or emergency vehicles) due to the number of double-parked cars.

4. The proposed closure of Back Lane will result in even more traffic using local routes within Great Ashby, which will only add to the existing traffic issues.

5. There is only one major route into/out of Great Ashby - that is Great Ashby Way, and traffic here during peak times is already burdensome on local residents. Great Ashby Way is also rarely gritted during bad weather, which further adds to traffic congestion.

6. All local schools are already oversubscribed - so where will the young people moving into these houses be educated?

7. Likewise, what plans are there to increase health facilities (GP Surgery?) for the new residents?

8. The current Great Ashby site was built with an allocation of 1.5 parking spaces per dwelling, which will be reduced if spaces along the access roads are reduced.

9. The development will be on green belt land - why is this necessary when there are plenty of brown field sites available in Stevenage?

Many thanks for your time.

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