Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

Policy SP14: Site BA1 - North of Baldock

Representation ID: 1518

Received: 30/11/2016

Respondent: Mr Neil McBride

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? No

Representation Summary:

The plan appears a poor strategy from NHDC. It is not justified and not effective at mitigating the adverse impact of the increased housing need on the North Herts area, and on Baldock in particular.

The proposed percentage increase in the Baldock population (circa. 50%), compared with larger surrounding towns, is not justified and puts acceptable adverse cumulative impact on traffic flows, rail links and local services, without adequately effective mitigation measures.

Full text:

I wish to object to the proposed development North of Baldock.

The severe traffic congestion at the intersection of the A505 and A507 make it unlikely that traffic flows from the new development will be adequately managed even if a new A1-A505 bypass link road were to be built. How are traffic flows from the site going to pass through Baldock without representing a major adverse impact? Will all traffics links be complete before development? It appears not. Thus it is not consistent with the national policy, and the small mitigations so far planned will be inadequate to limit traffic exiting the development to North Road and traversing through Whitehorse Street/Royston Road. Furthermore, the traffic flows currently experienced around parts of Baldock are unacceptable even without further development. An increase of at least 5000 vehicles to the town would be unacceptable to the ability for the town to function adequately or sustainably. The proposed plans are thus not justifiable and the mitigation measures so far suggested are not adequately effective.

Govia are currently proposing to remove semi-fast trains from the off peak timetable, and have admitted they were until recently unaware of the potential for an approximate doubling of rail passengers at Baldock, i.e. new timetables proposals have been drafted with no account for the proposed Baldock development. I see no evidence that the local plan adequately caters for the increase rail traffic at Baldock. Furthermore, increase traffic flows to Baldock train station car parking does not appear to have been adequately accounted for. The major adverse impact on the rail inks from Baldock that a proposed circa. 3200 houses would have, has not been planned for, and is not justified.

Considering the larger populations of surrounding towns such as Hitchin and Stevenage, how can it be justified to increase a relatively small town population by approximately 50%, when the cumulative impact on (e.g.) Stevenage would be far less? With inadequate planning for local facilities such as schools and local amenities, the proposal to 'sacrifice' Baldock appears heavy handed and grossly unfair. Making such a major impact on one town is not consistent with national policy, is unjustified, and the proposed plans for roads and amenities are inadequate.

It is clear that the adverse impact of the BA1 site development has not been adequately considered, and joined up thinking and consultation with the rail infrastructure has not occurred.

The plan appears a poor strategy from NHDC. It is not justified and not effective at mitigating the adverse impact of increase housing need on the North Herts area, and on Baldock in particular.

I strongly object to the proposals as presented.

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