Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

Policy SP16: Site NS1 - North of Stevenage

Representation ID: 1492

Received: 29/11/2016

Respondent: Miss Antonia Galeano

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

In terms of infrastructure, I have four areas of concern; increased levels of traffic and congestion as a result of the proposed development; rail capacity; the additional strain placed on the Lister Hospital and infrastructure is in regards to water and wastewater. In terms of justness, I believe that the current proposals are both socially and environmentally unsustainable as a result of encroaching on greenbelt.

Full text:

I wish to object to the proposed development north of Stevenage as I don't believe these plans are justified, nor are the positively prepared.

In terms of infrastructure, I have four areas of concern; the first being the increased levels of traffic and congestion as a result of the proposed development. The roads in Stevenage are already insufficient for the amount of vehicles using them, particularly during peak times where queuing and delays are unavoidable. Increasing the number of road users through the proposed development will only make this issue worse. Although the plans include the addition of looped road, this will not solve the issue of cars exiting though Great Ashby, placing further demands on an already strained road network.

My second concern is that of rail capacity. Currently, our commuter trains are heavily oversubscribed during peak times. There has been a 71% growth in passenger numbers to Kings Cross from the north since the year 200 (+3.5% average growth year on year), and a 187% growth in passenger numbers too Moorgate from the north (+7.3% average growth YoY). Based on this, I don't believe we will have the capacity to support the needs of the proposed 900 households, in addition to the other developments across Stevenage. I understand there are currently plans to build an additional platform at Stevenage station; however I am not convinced that this additional capacity will remain viable in the longer term if we continue to tack additional homes on the edge of Stevenage and allow our town to continue to sprawl. I also understand that the planning document addresses the increase in commuters:

"Trend-based forecasts reflect these patterns and anticipate continued increases in out-commuting from North Hertfordshire over the plan period. Unchecked, this would lead to increased pressure on transport infrastructure that is already under strain at peak periods. This Plan therefore makes employment provision at above modelled levels."

My concern here is that the model used for these predictions is from 2014. Given the more recent changes to the economic landscape it's fair to assume that this model is no longer robust and is likely to be inaccurate.

My third area of concern is around the additional strain placed on the Lister Hospital as a result of the additional new homes. Since the redevelopment of the QE2 in Welwyn Garden City, the Lister's A&E department has faced increased pressure. In Q2 2016 NHS figures show that the Lister's A&E department has failed to meet targets for admission, transfer or discharge in fewer than four hours, and that 16.8% of patients were left waiting in A&E for more than four hours. Although SBC literature suggests that the Lister will receive an extension, I don't believe this will be sufficient to deal with the increased demand caused by additional local residents, given that the hospital is already not coping with current patient levels.

My final concern on infrastructure is in regards to water and wastewater. Simply, the proposed plans highlight issues with capacity in water treatment. I have seen no details or plans as to how this issue will be addressed and so I believe this will need to be defined before plans can move forward.

In terms of justness, I believe that the current proposals are both socially and environmentally unsustainable as a result of encroaching on greenbelt. The purpose of greenbelt is to prevent urban sprawl, in addition keeping settlements distinct and safeguarding the countryside. By proceeding with the proposed development, in conjunction with those proposed by SBC, Stevenage will effectively sprawl and join with Graveley, impinging on the village's unique nature. Maintaining boundaries is vital in developing a sense of community, where residents have a clear sense of the feeling and character of their neighbourhood. This particular development would also overshadow Forster Country, an area of historical and cultural significance for local residents.
Environmentally, these developments will also build across precious countryside, creating a negative impact for local wildlife, as well as stripping away the broader benefits of green space. I understand that greenbelt can be built on in exceptional circumstances; however demand for housing is not, in itself, and exceptional circumstance, and additional reasoning has not been made apparent.

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