Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft


Representation ID: 3013

Received: 29/11/2016

Respondent: Mrs Jane McCormick

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to Baldock (in general):
- Increased flood risk
- Scale of development in Baldock
- Highway infrastructure and congestion
- Current Rail service
- Schools are at capacity
- Landscape Character
- Historic Village Character

Full text:

I am writing to express my concerns and objections to aspects of the Local Plan 2011-2031. My primary concerns centre around BA2 which covers what is currently known as Cambrai Farm. My chief concern regarding this particular development is that the building of houses on this farm will increase the risk of flooding to the houses in this street. Currently, if we have heavy rainfall the road here resembles a river and this does not clear until some time after the rain stops. When you add more houses which will be on a slightly higher level than we are now then the risk is bound to increase and flooding WILL occur.

On a broader level, I object to the high numbers of houses being proposed for Baldock as a whole. The roads through this town are struggling to cope with the traffic we already have. Add to that the local rail proposal for reducing the service into London and it adds up to a potential disaster. The local schools are full to capacity and amenities in the town are already stretched. As the smallest town in the local area why is Baldock being given more houses than any other town. To increase the population by approximately 80% is unjustifiable and will destroy the character and spirit of the community here.

Whilst it is generally accepted that some building will have to take place I feel that the proposed Local Plan is a step too far and should be reduced considerably to preserve to nature of this historic market town.


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

BA2 Land west of Clothall Road

Representation ID: 3014

Received: 29/11/2016

Respondent: Mrs Jane McCormick

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to BA2:
- Increased flood risk
- Scale of development in Baldock
- Highway infrastructure and congestion
- Current Rail service
- Schools are at capacity
- Landscape Character
- Historic Village Character

Full text:

I am writing to express my concerns and objections to aspects of the Local Plan 2011-2031. My primary concerns centre around BA2 which covers what is currently known as Cambrai Farm. My chief concern regarding this particular development is that the building of houses on this farm will increase the risk of flooding to the houses in this street. Currently, if we have heavy rainfall the road here resembles a river and this does not clear until some time after the rain stops. When you add more houses which will be on a slightly higher level than we are now then the risk is bound to increase and flooding WILL occur.

On a broader level, I object to the high numbers of houses being proposed for Baldock as a whole. The roads through this town are struggling to cope with the traffic we already have. Add to that the local rail proposal for reducing the service into London and it adds up to a potential disaster. The local schools are full to capacity and amenities in the town are already stretched. As the smallest town in the local area why is Baldock being given more houses than any other town. To increase the population by approximately 80% is unjustifiable and will destroy the character and spirit of the community here.

Whilst it is generally accepted that some building will have to take place I feel that the proposed Local Plan is a step too far and should be reduced considerably to preserve to nature of this historic market town.

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