Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

GA1 Land at Roundwood (Graveley parish)

Representation ID: 1517

Received: 30/11/2016

Respondent: Mrs Deborah Lodge

Legally compliant? No

Sound? Yes

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

Object to GA1: Green Belt, unsuitable access for construction traffic, pedestrian safety, loss of existing parking, lack of amenities for existing residents

Full text:

The proposed development is on Green Belt Land. This land is supposed to be protected. It is essential to well being and the Eco structure. This development is inappropriate given the access to the proposed site. On previous occasions I have been informed by the council that back lane is a farm track making it difficult to maintain. It is narrow and unsuitable for large vehicles never mind construction traffic. It provides access to and from the equestrian centre whose larger vehicles struggle to pass cars never mind larger vehicles. The proposed access routes for construction traffic via existing Great Ashby roads do not meet current requirements for construction traffic. Great Ashby Way is already congested during peak times and busy at other times of day. It is crossed by children and their parents accessing local schools and amenities throughout the day without any assisted crossings. This is not limited to the start and finish of school as younger children attend nursery sessions which both start and finish outside of normal school hours. The intention to use Mendip Way for construction access following the removal of grass verges and the trees planted along them poses a huge risk to both resident and pedestrian safety. The space between people's front doors and the road will be significantly reduced. These are family homes, many with young children as residents. Families have purchased these homes as pleasant and safe places to raise their children. They chose to live on a housing estate with open areas and a leafy outlook not in the middle of a city where you expect to have large vehicles passing in front of your windows and large volumes of traffic passing by. The loss of parking spaces will increase the danger for pedestrians as well as causing further parking congestion. The construction requirements at the time these houses were built allowed for only 1.5 parking spaces for homes of 2 or more bedrooms. Requirements are now for 2 parking spaces for such dwellings. If parking provision is changed, it must meet with current requirements i.e. Removing the verges and parking areas will mean that 2 spaces must be created for each dwelling of 2 or more bedrooms. The plan does not make provision for this. Construction traffic will present both a danger and a nuisance with regard to noise and dust. Increased traffic flow along Great Ashby Way towards St Martins Way will make the congestion problems that already exist considerably worse. Great Ashby does not provide sufficient amenities for its current residents - the school does not have sufficient places for local children who live in Great Ashby NOT St Nicholas which has a completely different demographic. There is no dentist surgery, no doctors surgery and no secondary school provision.

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