Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
BK3 Land between Cambridge Road and Royston Road
Representation ID: 1404
Received: 29/11/2016
Respondent: Dr Giuseppe Frapporti
Legally compliant? No
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? No
Object to Bk3: unsustainable, disproportionate increase to village population, puts too much pressure on infrastructure and transport/traffic and destroys the historic linear shaped character of the village.
I object to the local plan regarding BK3. The proposed number of new houses of 173 is disproportionate and unsustainable for Barkway. Other villages with similar sizes are proposed to have none or very few houses. The 173 houses for BK3 will increase the village and its population by over 50%. Since Barkway has few amenities this will lead to unsustainable transport by 50%, as no provisions are made to increase economic growth/employment (contravenes NPPF para 28), schools (contravenes NPPF 38, 55 and 73; [...]), and infrastructure (contravenesNPPF and NDHC policy on many paragraphs, see below). I know from my own experience, with a family of young children, we need to rely on two cars to provide commute, trips to shops and Royston market, and school runs on multiple journeys a day during week and weekend. Local roads are already very busy and bottlenecks such as road into Royston and Flint Cross junction become even more congested . This contravenes NPPF30, 34, 35, 95 and NOOF38, as well as North Herts policies SP6 and 9 on sustainable transport.
The BK3 development will further threaten the environment and character our linear shaped village.