Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
Policy SP1: Sustainable Development in North Hertfordshire
Representation ID: 1705
Received: 30/11/2016
Respondent: Anglian Country Inns
Agent: Barker Parry Town Planning Limited
Support SP1: Supporting long-term vitality of villages
Site at Cricketers PH, Damask Green Road, Weston
We support the principles of sustainable development and in particular sub-section b) "Ensure the long term vitality of the districts' villages by supporting growth, which provides opportunities for existing and new residents and sustains key facilities."
Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
Policy SP2: Settlement Hierarchy
Representation ID: 1706
Received: 30/11/2016
Respondent: Anglian Country Inns
Agent: Barker Parry Town Planning Limited
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
Object to SP2 (Weston): Support general principle of categorisation and identification as Cat A settlement, object to exclusion of Cricketers Public House from boundary.
We support the decision to categorise settlements within the district and generally support the principle of development boundaries around the defined villages. As identified in Policy SP2, Weston is defined as a Category A settlement, where general development will be allowed within the defined settlement boundaries.
Paragraph 4.13 Defined Settlement Boundaries
The defined settlement boundary to Weston as shown on the Proposals Map excludes The Cricketers Public House, which is located at the southern end of Weston, on the western side of Damask Green Road. The proposed boundary to Weston extends down as far as the southern tip of the settlement, where the road bifurcates.
The proposed settlement boundary, incorporates within it, all the dwellings and their garden areas on the eastern side of the road. On the western side of the road, the boundaries steps in to follow the highway edge, thus leaving the public house and the small site adjacent to it to the north, outside of the village.
It is considered that the settlement boundary proposed, should more appropriately include all the existing developed area, including the public house, which is an integral part of the settlement. There is in fact no logic to excluding the site as clearly both visually and physically this area is a part of the village and its built form. The public house may wish to expand, in order to remain viable in this location. It would be more sensible to ensure that it is, in policy terms, viewed as a part of the settlement rather than being constrained by Green Belt. Conversely, in this context, the location of the site of the Cricketers would make no contribution to either the character, openness or appearance of the Green Belt and so should not be included in it. The boundary should be amended accordingly (see attached plan and Google Earth image).
Not to do so and impose more restrictive Green Belt constraints on this important local facility would appear to be entirely contradictory to the thrust of Policy SP1 'Sustainable Development in North Hertfordshire'.