Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

Policy SP5: Countryside and Green Belt

Representation ID: 1200

Received: 28/11/2016

Respondent: Mr Neil Gaskell

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? No

Representation Summary:

Object to SP5: Review of Green Belt not in line with NPPF

Full text:

The removal of land from the green belt for strategic development at the locations referred to in Policies SP8 and SP3 is in direct contradiction of the Governments guidance. The planning guidance makes clear that, once established, Green Belt boundaries should only be altered in exceptional circumstances. SP3 & SP8 would fail the fundamental aim of green belt policy to prevent urban sprawl, neighbouring towns from merging into one another, safeguarding the countryside from encroachment, preserve the setting of an historic town and restrict the regeneration of derelict and urban land within North Hertfordshire. NPPF para 14 & 83.


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

Policy SP3: Employment

Representation ID: 5670

Received: 28/11/2016

Respondent: Mr Neil Gaskell

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to SP3: Release of land from Green Belt for employment contrary to Government guidance

Full text:

The removal of land from the green belt for strategic development at the locations referred to in Policies SP8 and SP3 is in direct contradiction of the Governments guidance. The planning guidance makes clear that, once established, Green Belt boundaries should only be altered in exceptional circumstances. SP3 & SP8 would fail the fundamental aim of green belt policy to prevent urban sprawl, neighbouring towns from merging into one another, safeguarding the countryside from encroachment, preserve the setting of an historic town and restrict the regeneration of derelict and urban land within North Hertfordshire. NPPF para 14 & 83.


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

Policy SP8: Housing

Representation ID: 5671

Received: 28/11/2016

Respondent: Mr Neil Gaskell

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to SP8: Release of land from Green Belt for housing contrary to Government guidance

Full text:

The removal of land from the green belt for strategic development at the locations referred to in Policies SP8 and SP3 is in direct contradiction of the Governments guidance. The planning guidance makes clear that, once established, Green Belt boundaries should only be altered in exceptional circumstances. SP3 & SP8 would fail the fundamental aim of green belt policy to prevent urban sprawl, neighbouring towns from merging into one another, safeguarding the countryside from encroachment, preserve the setting of an historic town and restrict the regeneration of derelict and urban land within North Hertfordshire. NPPF para 14 & 83.

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