Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft


Representation ID: 3534

Received: 28/11/2016

Respondent: Mr Graham Kingham

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object on the following grounds:
football facilities are already over subscribed; and
new sports facilities needed to accommodate the additional demand.

Full text:

I would like the inspectorate to take into consideration that the current plans have no provision for increased sporting and leisure facilities within Baldock Town. At present the Town is some 60% for adults and 40% for children below the national average which is unacceptable even before a single dwelling is built.

Our adult teams are having to play their matches in Stotfold, which is not even in Hertfordshire and this really should not be the case. We currently have youth teams playing on our local school pitches with no changing or toilet facilities. Whist we appreciate that the schools are helping out with the chronic shortfall of available facilities the problem needs addressing now. I often wonder what sort of message it sends out when players, sibling's and their parents either have to leave the match and go home to use the toilet or as in some cases hide behind a tree!! It is an embarrassment for not only our youngsters but also the oppositions and clearly shows that Baldock has been left behind when it comes to sporting facilities for all ages.

With the new housing development set to significantly increase our population you must ensure that land is set aside for sports facilities including a new stadium for our adult teams. The consequences of lack of sports facilities are well documented, with obesity and crime levels amongst the young and teenagers significantly increasing. That will be the reality if these proposals go ahead in their current form and I urge you to use your powers to ensure that all ages have access to sports which help to promote a healthy lifestyle.

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