Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

LS1 Land at Bedford Road

Representation ID: 3123

Received: 27/11/2016

Respondent: Ms Sylvia Byrne

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to LS1:
- Plan is 'not sound'
- Highway infrastructure and congestion
- Not consistent with the NPPF
- Building on the Green Belt
- Pollution and air quality
- Education facilities
- Village Heritage and Historic assets
- Village Character
- Sewerage and Flood Risk
- Lack of proper consultation
- Conflicts with existing policy
- The local plan is 'not legally compliant'

Full text:

As a local resident, I feel I must object strongly to proposed plans for additional housing in the Ickleford area.

As a local resident I would like to insist on a review by the Planning Inspector of the Local Plan proposals which impact Ickleford.

Site IC2: I find the Local Plan to be 'Not Sound' for the following reasons:

* Increased traffic in Ickleford and approaching roads. This area is already very, very busy in the mornings with traffic using Ickleford as a cut through from Hitchin to Letchworth, and also traffic linked with local school.
* I understand that the plan for site IC2 also conflicts with the National Planning Policy Framework for building on green belt land
* The plan also conflicts with NHDC Strategic Objectives on Green Belt.
* The plan also conflicts with NHDC policy on transport and does not account for increased traffic from Central Bedfordshire
* The local plan is 'not sound' as the increased traffic pollution conflicts with NHDC policy on air quality. This will directly affect local residents, in what is at the moment a relatively peaceful and leafy village

Site IC3:

I find the Local Plan to be 'Not Sound' for the following reasons:

* Relocation of the Village School. As an employee at the school and a local resident, I feel very strongly about this. To close the current school site will totally destroy the unique charm and character of this listed building, the village green and the village in general. The impact on the village conflicts with NHDC policy to protect and enhance the historic character of villages.
The historic school building is a focal point in the heart of the village, a lot of the character and history of the village will be destroyed by closing the school, which is currently the hub of the community along with the historic village hall building. The village will not be the same and will lose key features which give it the charm and uniqueness, which make it a nice place to live at present.
* Sewerage and Flooding: The Local Plan is not sound for the following reasons: evidence shows that the main sewer cannot cope with current demand. Sites IC1 and IC3 will add to this burden.
* Conflicts with NHDC policies not to develop areas prone to flooding, and to reduce the risk of flooding from new developments.
* Lack of proper consultation: NHDC did not allow prior consultation on these sites.
* 150 new homes is a huge amount to building in and around a relatively small village. It will completely change Ickleford from a peaceful, quite, green and pleasant place to live, to a very busy small town choked with traffic. The roads in and around Ickleford already struggle to cope in the morning rush hour.
* Conflicts with NHDC Strategic Objectives on Green Belt land.
* Conflicts with National Planning Policy Framework.
* Conflicts with NHDC policy on transport and does not account for increased traffic caused by 150 new homes and traffic from Central Bedfordshire.

Site IC1:

* Conflicts with National Planning Policy Framework on building on green belt land
* Conflicts with NHDC Strategic Objectives on Green Belt
* Sewerage & Flooding: Evidence shows that the main sewer cannot cope with current demand. IC1 will add to this burden.
* Conflicts with NHDC policies not to develop in areas prone to flooding, and to reduce the risk of flooding from new developments.
Site LS1:

* The local plan is 'not legally compliant' as NHDC did not allow prior consultation on these sites.
* The local plan is 'Not Sound' for the following reason: increased traffic pollution conflicts with NHDC policy on air quality
* The local plan is 'Not Sound' as the roads into and surrounding Ickleford will not cope with the increased traffic caused by 120 new homes in this area.

I would urge you to review this situation.


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

IC1 Land at Duncots Close

Representation ID: 3124

Received: 27/11/2016

Respondent: Ms Sylvia Byrne

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? Not specified

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to IC1:
- Plan is 'not sound'
- Highway infrastructure and congestion
- Not consistent with the NPPF
- Building on the Green Belt
- Pollution and air quality
- Education facilities
- Village Heritage and Historic assets
- Village Character
- Sewerage and Flood Risk
- Lack of proper consultation
- Conflicts with existing policy
- The local plan is 'not legally compliant'

Full text:

As a local resident, I feel I must object strongly to proposed plans for additional housing in the Ickleford area.

As a local resident I would like to insist on a review by the Planning Inspector of the Local Plan proposals which impact Ickleford.

Site IC2: I find the Local Plan to be 'Not Sound' for the following reasons:

* Increased traffic in Ickleford and approaching roads. This area is already very, very busy in the mornings with traffic using Ickleford as a cut through from Hitchin to Letchworth, and also traffic linked with local school.
* I understand that the plan for site IC2 also conflicts with the National Planning Policy Framework for building on green belt land
* The plan also conflicts with NHDC Strategic Objectives on Green Belt.
* The plan also conflicts with NHDC policy on transport and does not account for increased traffic from Central Bedfordshire
* The local plan is 'not sound' as the increased traffic pollution conflicts with NHDC policy on air quality. This will directly affect local residents, in what is at the moment a relatively peaceful and leafy village

Site IC3:

I find the Local Plan to be 'Not Sound' for the following reasons:

* Relocation of the Village School. As an employee at the school and a local resident, I feel very strongly about this. To close the current school site will totally destroy the unique charm and character of this listed building, the village green and the village in general. The impact on the village conflicts with NHDC policy to protect and enhance the historic character of villages.
The historic school building is a focal point in the heart of the village, a lot of the character and history of the village will be destroyed by closing the school, which is currently the hub of the community along with the historic village hall building. The village will not be the same and will lose key features which give it the charm and uniqueness, which make it a nice place to live at present.
* Sewerage and Flooding: The Local Plan is not sound for the following reasons: evidence shows that the main sewer cannot cope with current demand. Sites IC1 and IC3 will add to this burden.
* Conflicts with NHDC policies not to develop areas prone to flooding, and to reduce the risk of flooding from new developments.
* Lack of proper consultation: NHDC did not allow prior consultation on these sites.
* 150 new homes is a huge amount to building in and around a relatively small village. It will completely change Ickleford from a peaceful, quite, green and pleasant place to live, to a very busy small town choked with traffic. The roads in and around Ickleford already struggle to cope in the morning rush hour.
* Conflicts with NHDC Strategic Objectives on Green Belt land.
* Conflicts with National Planning Policy Framework.
* Conflicts with NHDC policy on transport and does not account for increased traffic caused by 150 new homes and traffic from Central Bedfordshire.

Site IC1:

* Conflicts with National Planning Policy Framework on building on green belt land
* Conflicts with NHDC Strategic Objectives on Green Belt
* Sewerage & Flooding: Evidence shows that the main sewer cannot cope with current demand. IC1 will add to this burden.
* Conflicts with NHDC policies not to develop in areas prone to flooding, and to reduce the risk of flooding from new developments.
Site LS1:

* The local plan is 'not legally compliant' as NHDC did not allow prior consultation on these sites.
* The local plan is 'Not Sound' for the following reason: increased traffic pollution conflicts with NHDC policy on air quality
* The local plan is 'Not Sound' as the roads into and surrounding Ickleford will not cope with the increased traffic caused by 120 new homes in this area.

I would urge you to review this situation.


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

IC2 Burford Grange, Bedford Road

Representation ID: 3125

Received: 27/11/2016

Respondent: Ms Sylvia Byrne

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to IC2:
- Plan is 'not sound'
- Highway infrastructure and congestion
- Not consistent with the NPPF
- Building on the Green Belt
- Pollution and air quality
- Education facilities
- Village Heritage and Historic assets
- Village Character
- Sewerage and Flood Risk
- Lack of proper consultation
- Conflicts with existing policy
- The local plan is 'not legally compliant'

Full text:

As a local resident, I feel I must object strongly to proposed plans for additional housing in the Ickleford area.

As a local resident I would like to insist on a review by the Planning Inspector of the Local Plan proposals which impact Ickleford.

Site IC2: I find the Local Plan to be 'Not Sound' for the following reasons:

* Increased traffic in Ickleford and approaching roads. This area is already very, very busy in the mornings with traffic using Ickleford as a cut through from Hitchin to Letchworth, and also traffic linked with local school.
* I understand that the plan for site IC2 also conflicts with the National Planning Policy Framework for building on green belt land
* The plan also conflicts with NHDC Strategic Objectives on Green Belt.
* The plan also conflicts with NHDC policy on transport and does not account for increased traffic from Central Bedfordshire
* The local plan is 'not sound' as the increased traffic pollution conflicts with NHDC policy on air quality. This will directly affect local residents, in what is at the moment a relatively peaceful and leafy village

Site IC3:

I find the Local Plan to be 'Not Sound' for the following reasons:

* Relocation of the Village School. As an employee at the school and a local resident, I feel very strongly about this. To close the current school site will totally destroy the unique charm and character of this listed building, the village green and the village in general. The impact on the village conflicts with NHDC policy to protect and enhance the historic character of villages.
The historic school building is a focal point in the heart of the village, a lot of the character and history of the village will be destroyed by closing the school, which is currently the hub of the community along with the historic village hall building. The village will not be the same and will lose key features which give it the charm and uniqueness, which make it a nice place to live at present.
* Sewerage and Flooding: The Local Plan is not sound for the following reasons: evidence shows that the main sewer cannot cope with current demand. Sites IC1 and IC3 will add to this burden.
* Conflicts with NHDC policies not to develop areas prone to flooding, and to reduce the risk of flooding from new developments.
* Lack of proper consultation: NHDC did not allow prior consultation on these sites.
* 150 new homes is a huge amount to building in and around a relatively small village. It will completely change Ickleford from a peaceful, quite, green and pleasant place to live, to a very busy small town choked with traffic. The roads in and around Ickleford already struggle to cope in the morning rush hour.
* Conflicts with NHDC Strategic Objectives on Green Belt land.
* Conflicts with National Planning Policy Framework.
* Conflicts with NHDC policy on transport and does not account for increased traffic caused by 150 new homes and traffic from Central Bedfordshire.

Site IC1:

* Conflicts with National Planning Policy Framework on building on green belt land
* Conflicts with NHDC Strategic Objectives on Green Belt
* Sewerage & Flooding: Evidence shows that the main sewer cannot cope with current demand. IC1 will add to this burden.
* Conflicts with NHDC policies not to develop in areas prone to flooding, and to reduce the risk of flooding from new developments.
Site LS1:

* The local plan is 'not legally compliant' as NHDC did not allow prior consultation on these sites.
* The local plan is 'Not Sound' for the following reason: increased traffic pollution conflicts with NHDC policy on air quality
* The local plan is 'Not Sound' as the roads into and surrounding Ickleford will not cope with the increased traffic caused by 120 new homes in this area.

I would urge you to review this situation.


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

IC3 Land at Bedford Road

Representation ID: 3126

Received: 27/11/2016

Respondent: Ms Sylvia Byrne

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to IC3:
- Plan is 'not sound'
- Highway infrastructure and congestion
- Not consistent with the NPPF
- Building on the Green Belt
- Pollution and air quality
- Education facilities
- Village Heritage and Historic assets
- Village Character
- Sewerage and Flood Risk
- Lack of proper consultation
- Conflicts with existing policy
- The local plan is 'not legally compliant'

Full text:

As a local resident, I feel I must object strongly to proposed plans for additional housing in the Ickleford area.

As a local resident I would like to insist on a review by the Planning Inspector of the Local Plan proposals which impact Ickleford.

Site IC2: I find the Local Plan to be 'Not Sound' for the following reasons:

* Increased traffic in Ickleford and approaching roads. This area is already very, very busy in the mornings with traffic using Ickleford as a cut through from Hitchin to Letchworth, and also traffic linked with local school.
* I understand that the plan for site IC2 also conflicts with the National Planning Policy Framework for building on green belt land
* The plan also conflicts with NHDC Strategic Objectives on Green Belt.
* The plan also conflicts with NHDC policy on transport and does not account for increased traffic from Central Bedfordshire
* The local plan is 'not sound' as the increased traffic pollution conflicts with NHDC policy on air quality. This will directly affect local residents, in what is at the moment a relatively peaceful and leafy village

Site IC3:

I find the Local Plan to be 'Not Sound' for the following reasons:

* Relocation of the Village School. As an employee at the school and a local resident, I feel very strongly about this. To close the current school site will totally destroy the unique charm and character of this listed building, the village green and the village in general. The impact on the village conflicts with NHDC policy to protect and enhance the historic character of villages.
The historic school building is a focal point in the heart of the village, a lot of the character and history of the village will be destroyed by closing the school, which is currently the hub of the community along with the historic village hall building. The village will not be the same and will lose key features which give it the charm and uniqueness, which make it a nice place to live at present.
* Sewerage and Flooding: The Local Plan is not sound for the following reasons: evidence shows that the main sewer cannot cope with current demand. Sites IC1 and IC3 will add to this burden.
* Conflicts with NHDC policies not to develop areas prone to flooding, and to reduce the risk of flooding from new developments.
* Lack of proper consultation: NHDC did not allow prior consultation on these sites.
* 150 new homes is a huge amount to building in and around a relatively small village. It will completely change Ickleford from a peaceful, quite, green and pleasant place to live, to a very busy small town choked with traffic. The roads in and around Ickleford already struggle to cope in the morning rush hour.
* Conflicts with NHDC Strategic Objectives on Green Belt land.
* Conflicts with National Planning Policy Framework.
* Conflicts with NHDC policy on transport and does not account for increased traffic caused by 150 new homes and traffic from Central Bedfordshire.

Site IC1:

* Conflicts with National Planning Policy Framework on building on green belt land
* Conflicts with NHDC Strategic Objectives on Green Belt
* Sewerage & Flooding: Evidence shows that the main sewer cannot cope with current demand. IC1 will add to this burden.
* Conflicts with NHDC policies not to develop in areas prone to flooding, and to reduce the risk of flooding from new developments.
Site LS1:

* The local plan is 'not legally compliant' as NHDC did not allow prior consultation on these sites.
* The local plan is 'Not Sound' for the following reason: increased traffic pollution conflicts with NHDC policy on air quality
* The local plan is 'Not Sound' as the roads into and surrounding Ickleford will not cope with the increased traffic caused by 120 new homes in this area.

I would urge you to review this situation.

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