Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

IC1 Land at Duncots Close

Representation ID: 3210

Received: 28/11/2016

Respondent: Ms Fiona Dungay

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to IC3:
- Flood risk and drainage
- Building on Green Belt
- Conflicts NPPF
- Education facilities
- Historic Character of Village
- NHDC did not allow prior consultation on these sites
- Highway infrastructure and congestion

Full text:

I am writing to you to advise of my grounds for objections to the following proposed building submissions on the below sites in Ickleford.
IC1 (Duncots Close) - 9 homes
IC3 (Bedford Road) - 150 homes
LS1 (North Ickleford, near Lower Stondon) - 120 homes

Arlesey Road already has problems with the current drainage system, and have experienced times during heavy rainfall of sewage coming up through the toilets into the house. My grounds for objections on Sites IC1 and IC3 would add to burden the already struggling drainage whilst also conflicting with NHDC policies not to develop in areas prone to flooding, and to reduce the risk of flooding from new developments.

My grounds for objection For sites IC1 and IC3 the local plan advises that these are to be built on Green Belt land therefore the Local Plan is 'Not Sound' as it Conflicts with National Planning Policy Framework and Conflicts with NHDC Strategic Objectives on Green Belt.

My Children currently attend Ickleford School and my grounds for objection for sites IC1, IC3 and LS1 is the due to the vast number of proposed buildings, would mean that the village school would not be able to accommodate the additional number of children that these sites would bring, requiring a new village school. Therefore this local plan is not sound and conflicts with NHDC policy to protect and enhance the historic character of villages

My grounds for objection For sites IC3 and LS1 - the Local Plan is 'Not Legally Compliant' for the following reason: NHDC did not allow prior consultation on these sites.

And finally my grounds for objection For sites IC1, IC3 and LS1 - the Local Plan is 'Not Sound' for the following reason: NHDC modelling is flawed as it does not account for increased traffic from Central Bedfordshire, and conflicts with NHDC policy on transport.


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

IC3 Land at Bedford Road

Representation ID: 3211

Received: 28/11/2016

Respondent: Ms Fiona Dungay

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to IC3:
- Flood risk and drainage
- Building on Green Belt
- Conflicts NPPF
- Education facilities
- Historic Character of Village
- NHDC did not allow prior consultation on these sites
- Highway infrastructure and congestion

Full text:

I am writing to you to advise of my grounds for objections to the following proposed building submissions on the below sites in Ickleford.
IC1 (Duncots Close) - 9 homes
IC3 (Bedford Road) - 150 homes
LS1 (North Ickleford, near Lower Stondon) - 120 homes

Arlesey Road already has problems with the current drainage system, and have experienced times during heavy rainfall of sewage coming up through the toilets into the house. My grounds for objections on Sites IC1 and IC3 would add to burden the already struggling drainage whilst also conflicting with NHDC policies not to develop in areas prone to flooding, and to reduce the risk of flooding from new developments.

My grounds for objection For sites IC1 and IC3 the local plan advises that these are to be built on Green Belt land therefore the Local Plan is 'Not Sound' as it Conflicts with National Planning Policy Framework and Conflicts with NHDC Strategic Objectives on Green Belt.

My Children currently attend Ickleford School and my grounds for objection for sites IC1, IC3 and LS1 is the due to the vast number of proposed buildings, would mean that the village school would not be able to accommodate the additional number of children that these sites would bring, requiring a new village school. Therefore this local plan is not sound and conflicts with NHDC policy to protect and enhance the historic character of villages

My grounds for objection For sites IC3 and LS1 - the Local Plan is 'Not Legally Compliant' for the following reason: NHDC did not allow prior consultation on these sites.

And finally my grounds for objection For sites IC1, IC3 and LS1 - the Local Plan is 'Not Sound' for the following reason: NHDC modelling is flawed as it does not account for increased traffic from Central Bedfordshire, and conflicts with NHDC policy on transport.


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

LS1 Land at Bedford Road

Representation ID: 3212

Received: 28/11/2016

Respondent: Ms Fiona Dungay

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to LS1:
- Flood risk and drainage
- Building on Green Belt
- Conflicts NPPF
- Education facilities
- Historic Character of Village
- NHDC did not allow prior consultation on these sites
- Highway infrastructure and congestion

Full text:

I am writing to you to advise of my grounds for objections to the following proposed building submissions on the below sites in Ickleford.
IC1 (Duncots Close) - 9 homes
IC3 (Bedford Road) - 150 homes
LS1 (North Ickleford, near Lower Stondon) - 120 homes

Arlesey Road already has problems with the current drainage system, and have experienced times during heavy rainfall of sewage coming up through the toilets into the house. My grounds for objections on Sites IC1 and IC3 would add to burden the already struggling drainage whilst also conflicting with NHDC policies not to develop in areas prone to flooding, and to reduce the risk of flooding from new developments.

My grounds for objection For sites IC1 and IC3 the local plan advises that these are to be built on Green Belt land therefore the Local Plan is 'Not Sound' as it Conflicts with National Planning Policy Framework and Conflicts with NHDC Strategic Objectives on Green Belt.

My Children currently attend Ickleford School and my grounds for objection for sites IC1, IC3 and LS1 is the due to the vast number of proposed buildings, would mean that the village school would not be able to accommodate the additional number of children that these sites would bring, requiring a new village school. Therefore this local plan is not sound and conflicts with NHDC policy to protect and enhance the historic character of villages

My grounds for objection For sites IC3 and LS1 - the Local Plan is 'Not Legally Compliant' for the following reason: NHDC did not allow prior consultation on these sites.

And finally my grounds for objection For sites IC1, IC3 and LS1 - the Local Plan is 'Not Sound' for the following reason: NHDC modelling is flawed as it does not account for increased traffic from Central Bedfordshire, and conflicts with NHDC policy on transport.

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