Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
Policy SP18: Site GA2 - Land off Mendip Way, Great Ashby
Representation ID: 2021
Received: 25/11/2016
Respondent: Mr David Watts
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? Not specified
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
Objection to GA2:
- lack of essential amenities: doctors surgery, dentist, schools, parking, public transport
- loss of Green Belt
- need to preserve green land for future generations
I am writing to you to object against the plans to build 900 homes on the stated sites. Great Ashby already has major issues with lack of essential amenities such as: doctors surgery, dentist, schools, parking, public transport etc. To extend further would be a grave mistake. To lose a large chunk of green belt to housing when there are other options available is a huge error. Great Ashby is struggling to cope with the current levels of housing/residents and to add to that would be poor judgement. We life on a small island and must cherish our green land and preserve it for future generations, not rip it up for housing developers to make themselves richer. I understand housing is an issue but all other possibilities must be considered before tearing apart our wonderful countryside to fill the pockets of those already fortunate. The area cannot cope with another 900 houses and potentially 4000 residents.
Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
GA1 Land at Roundwood (Graveley parish)
Representation ID: 2022
Received: 25/11/2016
Respondent: Mr David Watts
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? Not specified
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
Objection to GA1:
- lack of essential amenities: doctors surgery, dentist, schools, parking, public transport
- loss of Green Belt
- need to preserve green land for future generations
I am writing to you to object against the plans to build 900 homes on the stated sites. Great Ashby already has major issues with lack of essential amenities such as: doctors surgery, dentist, schools, parking, public transport etc. To extend further would be a grave mistake. To lose a large chunk of green belt to housing when there are other options available is a huge error. Great Ashby is struggling to cope with the current levels of housing/residents and to add to that would be poor judgement. We life on a small island and must cherish our green land and preserve it for future generations, not rip it up for housing developers to make themselves richer. I understand housing is an issue but all other possibilities must be considered before tearing apart our wonderful countryside to fill the pockets of those already fortunate. The area cannot cope with another 900 houses and potentially 4000 residents.