Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

Policy SP18: Site GA2 - Land off Mendip Way, Great Ashby

Representation ID: 1910

Received: 22/11/2016

Respondent: Mrs Nicola Kerbey

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to GA2:
- Site should be removed
- Loss of Green Belt
- Urban design assessment (2007)
- Wildlife, protected species and Biodiversity
- Ancient Woodlands and high value environments
- Heritage assets
- Village Character
- Public footpaths and bridleways
- Current infrastructure is inadequate
- Highway infrastructure and congestion
- Healthcare facilities
- Employment opportunities
- Rail facilities
- Social/affordable housing
- New Garden City
- Brownfields sites

Full text:

I am writing to place my objection about the GA2 development on land to the North of Great Ashby, Herts.

We urge North Hertfordshire District Council to remove GA1 and GA2 from
the list of allocated sites for development in North Stevenage and consider the implications to all those involved/affected.

Objections/reasons against GA1/GA2 include:

Greenbelt is precious and should not be developed - building on these sites contravene protected status and this precedence must not be set.
Greenbelt areas are important to prevent urban sprawl, stop towns from merging, protect the countryside and promote urban regeneration. The
density of the proposed housing is of city nature and not suited to Greenbelt countryside, I believe it is not inline with the 2007 Urban design assessment report commissioned by NHDC.

The land in GA2 houses a rich and diverse amount of wildlife including endangered red kites, barn owls, bats and the currently protected
badger. NHDC have a DUTY to conserve the biodiversity of this area. The muntjac deer population has already seriously decreased since Great Ashby was built. Further development would be catastrophic to our wildlife. GA2 would totally encompass ancient woodland and a natural spring, building in this area would destroy valuable wildlife habitats.

A development of this magnitude would be visibly intrusive and harm the character and appearance of an area of outstanding beauty scattered with
listed buildings and villages, such as Graveley. This area is used and enjoyed by many people, footpaths and bridleways crossing the proposed
sites GA1 & GA2 form part of the historic Hertfordshire way and are frequented by many ramblers, horse riders and dog walkers.

The infrastructure is not suitable for another 2000 homes. Traffic through Great Ashby is already at capacity and congested with many
parked cars and can be quite dangerous at peak times.

Doctors surgeries in North Stevenage are struggling with the extra volume of patients already.

Proposed developments are remote from the retail and commercial centres of Stevenage and Hitchin, many businesses are already struggling in
Stevenage and a number of shops have closed in the town centre. Extra housing would put severe pressure on an already lack of employment. For
commuters, trains are already at full capacity during peak times and the A1 is congested.

Socially affordable housing is not mentioned within the proposals, surely local councils should be considering the needs of people already
living in Stevenage & the huge waiting lists .

We understand that housing is needed but feel it would be more sensible to build a completely new settlement/garden city somewhere with
reasonable transport links, but away from any towns or villages and NOT at the loss of important Green Belt or woodland. A new settlement that
over time can grow to meet the needs of the people with the correct infrastructure designed into it from the beginning and would create
thousands of jobs and new employment. We also urge local councils and government to build on brown field sites as an alternative and to look
at the many thousands of boarded up council homes that lay dormant
across the UK.

Please confirm receipt of this objection.


Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft

GA1 Land at Roundwood (Graveley parish)

Representation ID: 1911

Received: 22/11/2016

Respondent: Mrs Nicola Kerbey

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to GA1:
- Site should be removed
- Loss of Green Belt
- Urban design assessment (2007)
- Wildlife, protected species and Biodiversity
- Ancient Woodlands and high value environments
- Heritage assets
- Village Character
- Public footpaths and bridleways
- Current infrastructure is inadequate
- Highway infrastructure and congestion
- Healthcare facilities
- Employment opportunities
- Rail facilities
- Social/affordable housing
- New Garden City
- Brownfields sites

Full text:

I am writing to place my objection about the GA2 development on land to the North of Great Ashby, Herts.

We urge North Hertfordshire District Council to remove GA1 and GA2 from
the list of allocated sites for development in North Stevenage and consider the implications to all those involved/affected.

Objections/reasons against GA1/GA2 include:

Greenbelt is precious and should not be developed - building on these sites contravene protected status and this precedence must not be set.
Greenbelt areas are important to prevent urban sprawl, stop towns from merging, protect the countryside and promote urban regeneration. The
density of the proposed housing is of city nature and not suited to Greenbelt countryside, I believe it is not inline with the 2007 Urban design assessment report commissioned by NHDC.

The land in GA2 houses a rich and diverse amount of wildlife including endangered red kites, barn owls, bats and the currently protected
badger. NHDC have a DUTY to conserve the biodiversity of this area. The muntjac deer population has already seriously decreased since Great Ashby was built. Further development would be catastrophic to our wildlife. GA2 would totally encompass ancient woodland and a natural spring, building in this area would destroy valuable wildlife habitats.

A development of this magnitude would be visibly intrusive and harm the character and appearance of an area of outstanding beauty scattered with
listed buildings and villages, such as Graveley. This area is used and enjoyed by many people, footpaths and bridleways crossing the proposed
sites GA1 & GA2 form part of the historic Hertfordshire way and are frequented by many ramblers, horse riders and dog walkers.

The infrastructure is not suitable for another 2000 homes. Traffic through Great Ashby is already at capacity and congested with many
parked cars and can be quite dangerous at peak times.

Doctors surgeries in North Stevenage are struggling with the extra volume of patients already.

Proposed developments are remote from the retail and commercial centres of Stevenage and Hitchin, many businesses are already struggling in
Stevenage and a number of shops have closed in the town centre. Extra housing would put severe pressure on an already lack of employment. For
commuters, trains are already at full capacity during peak times and the A1 is congested.

Socially affordable housing is not mentioned within the proposals, surely local councils should be considering the needs of people already
living in Stevenage & the huge waiting lists .

We understand that housing is needed but feel it would be more sensible to build a completely new settlement/garden city somewhere with
reasonable transport links, but away from any towns or villages and NOT at the loss of important Green Belt or woodland. A new settlement that
over time can grow to meet the needs of the people with the correct infrastructure designed into it from the beginning and would create
thousands of jobs and new employment. We also urge local councils and government to build on brown field sites as an alternative and to look
at the many thousands of boarded up council homes that lay dormant
across the UK.

Please confirm receipt of this objection.

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