Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
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Local Plan 2011-2031 Proposed Submission Draft
BK3 Land between Cambridge Road and Royston Road
Representation ID: 1875
Received: 21/11/2016
Respondent: Dr Neil Johnston
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
Object to BK3: Employment, emerging Neighborhood Plans, parking facilities, highway facilities, sustainable transport, landscape/village character, density assumptions.
I wish to make the following comments to this plan.
1. Extension of village boundary. I believe NHDC will generally permit development if it lies within the existing village boundary but plot BK3 lies outside the current boundary and I do not recall any consultation on this extension.
2. I have seen no evidence that allowing housing development on plot BK3 will provide or stimulate economic growth beyond the temporary construction jobs thereby contravening NPPF paragraph 28. The provision of a village shop may create employment but it is unlikely that Barley and Barkway can sustain two shops so one would likely close so no net gain.
3. There is an emerging neighbourhood plan for Barkway and Nuthampstead but I understand this has been rejected by NHDC in contravention of NPPF paragraph 17.
4. Sustainable transport is a key element of the National Planning Policy Framework but there is an assumption that each household in the new development will only have one car apiece. Given the poor bus service and the limited local amenities, I believe this is a significant under estimate. Families with children are likely to need two cars and the road infrastructure is not currently adequate let alone with the additional number of vehicles. I believe this contravenes several National policies: NPPF 30, 34, 35 and 95 as well as NHDC Policy SP6.
5. Scale. I recognise that North Herts along with every other Council has to increase housing and that, over the District this amounts to an increase of c. 15% on existing stock. The proposed increase in Barkway, taking account of BK 1, 2 and 3 is over 60%! How can this be justified? It is out of all proportion to the existing size of the village, the road infrastructure, village character and local amenities in contravention of NPPF 38, 55 and 72.
6. Density. Given the fact that Cambridge Road is a better road than Royston Road and there are fewer dwellings along this road, the plan would be more acceptable if the density of housing were higher to the East, ie closer to Cambridge Road.
I, therefore, wish to register my strong objection to the plan currently proposed.